Keto Mom here!
My Why is, I do not want to feel behind throughout my day. I hate the feeling of being behind, being late, not getting the stuff done that I want, having my day on me. I hate that feeling so much that when my alarm clock goes off, all I have to think about is I don't want to feel that way. If you can't quite see what you want, but you know that you want to feel better, think about how you don't want to feel. Your why should drive you, and make you want to be better. Your why should get you up in the morning.
Points to Ponder
00:29 Easy to be Lazy
02:32 What is your why?
02:57 Your vision
03:23 Your Why is the reason that you do it
06:12 Commitment device
08:31 The best way to break a bad habit is to make it impractical
08:44 For your nutrition
10:03 Automation
10:56 Make the bad habits difficult
11:09 One time choices
12:02 Take Action
Full Episode Transcript
Good morning! Welcome to the Keto mom page. Got some morning going on here, and it's a little early. But my daughter woke up this morning, she had to go to volleyball at 6:30. She's thirteen, and I have another daughter who is up super early, who's getting ready for horse camp. And she said, "Mom, it's so much easier to be lazy than to get up and do something. Why is it so easy to be lazy?". She's like, "I'm tired"... I said "You can learn that as a kid or as a teenager, if you can remember why you get up and how it feels when you get up late, guess what? you will go far my child"... That's what I said. First of all, good morning. Where are you tuning in from, we're tuning in from Minnesota. It's a little rainy out, but I think it's supposed to stop raining this afternoon.

I'm kind of talking low because there's lots of people in our home sleeping, besides this one and one's at volleyball camp already. But isn't that the truth? It's so much easier to be lazy. I told her my story... Oftentimes we talk about people's "Why". By the way, we're going to go through "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. If you're brand new, post new in the comments, I'm here to help you with whatever questions you have, whatever you're looking for, if you're just looking how to start your Keto lifestyle, whatever questions you have, you can private message me. But I had this explained to me once, I'm going to explain it to you again before we dive into the chapter fourteen. Basically the chapter is
"How to make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible"...
If you're going through the book, you're probably going to see there's a lot of tips and tricks like lots of try this, do this, put things in the back of the fridge, put snacks below, get them off the counter. Mindset, and all of this book is data driven. Doing different experiments and trying different things to figure out what you have to do to create good systems so that you can reach your goals. I had this explained to me once and I felt it was good. Think about it like this, some people would ask "What is your why?"... Your why should drive you, and make you want to be better. Your why should get you up in the morning. I think we talk so much about the outward goal. What is your why? Some people will say my kids, my spouse, or my health. And I heard this and I thought maybe this will help you. Your vision, is what's in front of you, your goals are what you're driving after. Your vision, what do you want? I want to be healthy, I want to be stronger, I want to play with my kids or my grandkids. Your Why and your Vision.
Your Why is the reason that you do it, because you don't want to feel that way. For example, I get up in the morning early to read and to work out and do all the things I need to do. My vision is to be stronger, and to be healthy for my kids.

My vision and all the things I want, are out here. My Why is, I do not want to feel behind throughout my day. I hate the feeling of being behind, being late, not getting the stuff done that I want, having my day on me. I hate that feeling so much that when my alarm clock goes off, all I have to think about is I don't want to feel that way. If you can't quite see what you want, but you know you want to feel better, think about how you don't want to feel. So for example, my daughter this morning got up and she goes I'm tired. It's easier to sleep in, but I want to be better at volleyball, her vision is to be better at volleyball. Her vision is to make the high school team, and her why to get up was I don't want to regret not going to practice. I don't want to regret not making the team. I don't want to regret. Does that make sense between your Vision and your Why?
If you have to sit down for a second, ask yourself what do I want and if I don't do those things every day, how am I going to feel. You have to remember.
For example, Emery is going to horse camp this Morning. She's sitting on the other side of the table yawning, "Emery, do you think that if you were to sleep in and skip camp, you'd regret it?"... And her legs are hurting, and she's says I've never ridden horse for eight hours. If she were to sleep in, she get the instant gratification of sleep, but then she'd wake up regret it, I miss camp and my legs are fine now. So figure out what it is that you want, and then figure out if you don't do it how are you going to feel, because that may get you up. That may help you not hit the snooze button, not skip the gym, not grab the doughnuts. It's the same concept of what he's talking about today. Real quick, I'll go through this chapter because we have to go to horse camp.
He says "How to make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible". He talks about, we have to make it difficult, we have to make the bad habits difficult. So he talks about this concept of a commitment device, and there's a whole bunch of stories.

I love the book because he has story and they usually have some type of experiment, there's science and then there's action. He talks about a Commitment device is a choice that you make in the present, that controls your action in the future. So he told a story of a man who owned a store, prior to social media, prior to all the things that a Walmart has in place so people can't steal. He was having problems with people stealing from him, this is in the 1980s. So they created a simple device that made it so his employees couldn't steal, therefore it was too hard for them.
So he and his store started making money. Same concept, he says "It is a way to lock in your future behavior, bind the good behavior and restrict the bad ones. A commitment device is useful because they enable you to take advantage of good intentions"... So then he tells what a commitment device would look like.
For example, if you want to go to the gym, a commitment device would be paying for the entire month or paying for the entire year. You're committed if you don't want to lose the money.
Another commitment device would be, there was a guy in the book that actually had a plugin in his wall that shut off the internet at ten o'clock. When the internet was shut off, it was time for bed. A commitment device would be having your meals pre paid for a month and healthy meals are sent directly to your home. Which means you can't go through the drive thru, you don't have an option you already paid for it. So you're going to commit and eat those healthy meals.
A commitment device is putting something in place that you've already paid for. It's going to restrict the bad habit. So you don't have an option.
Basically, this whole chapter was "What do you need to put in place that stops the bad habit?" The book is called "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. We've been going through this for the last two weeks every morning, except for Sundays, because Sunday's are just family day. All days are family days. So as soon as we're done with this book, I have a new book to go through. I'm going to be reading a book to you every single day. Whether you tune in here or you read the book with me, it's up to you. And so he said
"The best way to break a bad habit is to make it impractical. Increase the friction until you don't even have an option"...

The whole book is great. He gives some ideas "For your nutrition, buy water filter and drink clean water"... if you're struggling with drinking water. We have an ice machine we call it Sonic ice or hospitalized. For whatever reason those little ice cubes make it so you want to drink water. For nutrition, get rid of your big plates and only have small plates. You won't fill the plate up and you might find that when you're done eating you're not hungry for seconds, or you just don't eat as much. I know it sounds silly but for real these things work.
If you want to sleep better buy a good mattress, get blackout curtains, remove your television from your bedroom. To be productive, unsubscribe to emails, turn off notifications, using email filter, delete games on your phone. he talks about happiness, get a dog. I don't think that creates happiness. Don't be mad that I said that, I just have four kids and for dogs. To be generally healthy, he talks about getting good shoes to help prevent back pain. Get a good supportive charity, your desk or a stand up desk finances. So there's so many things that you can put into place to eliminate the bad habits.
Then he talks about Automation. He talks about how automating things can help, but social media and technology can also hinder. So you have to have the discipline to not scroll, but have things automated.
Like automatically paying bills, automatically having your meals sent to you or your groceries. Things like prescription automation, or having your employee save for retirement, automating finances for your year. So there's so many things that we can do, you just have to take a little bit of time to put them into place. So I think this chapter was great. Basically, the overview is we need to make the bad habits difficult. The simple things I told you was to put things in the back of the fridge or off your counter or the TV out of your bedroom, the phone across the room. So when the alarm clock goes off, you have to get up. The ultimate way to lock in a future habit is to have things automated, but not get stuck in the scrolling and a social media aspect of your phone. One time choices like buying a better mattress, or enrolling in a gym and rolling in a savings plan, are single actions that can automate things and automate choices for you.

The book is giving you action steps to make systems in place, so that you will create a lifestyle. And you won't go back to laziness, like my daughter said this morning, "Mom, it's so easy to be lazy"...
Remember, if you're lazy and you don't do the things you want, or go after that vision, you're going to regret it. I don't want to live in regret.
I hate getting up late, I hate not owning my morning. The key to this entire book, is to take one thing you've learned and put it into action. Take Action. There's no luck, there's no watching and hoping. You've got to take what you've learned, whatever it is and put it into play. So we'll continue to go through this book, until we're done. I would say we're a little over halfway. We probably will end it by mid July, and then we'll start a new book. So continue to tune into the page, I hope you have an incredible morning. Always reach out with your questions. Otherwise, there's plenty of recipes, tips and tricks to help you on your journey.
So I hope you have a great day. We're off to horse camp and we'll talk to you soon
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