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CHASING DAYLIGHT (Chapter 1.1): Enjoying the Moments | Keto Mom Book Club

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Keto Mom here!

We are going to discuss pages 12- 18 today.

       "Don't let one moment in the past continue to haunt every moment in your life. A moment in your history that steals from you all of the moments in your future. Is there a moment that you keep reliving over and over again? To relive the past is to relinquish the future. If you are willing to let go of the past, then you are ready to step into your future. When you choose to remain stuck in the moments, you become incapable of seizing divine moments". ~Erwin McManus

Points to Ponder:

01:55 Enjoying The Moments

02:34 Blaming, Shaming, Justifying

03:02 Ownership

03:19 Choices

04:23 An Awareness

05:01 Draw a Line in the Sand

05:54 Moments Fuel the Momentum for Your Future

06:38 Are You Ready To Move Forward?

06:56 Choices Chart the Course

Full Episode Transcript:

Good morning! All right! We're going to try this again, we are in the country mountains of Oklahoma. Yesterday, we were in Texas and in the last two days. So I'm going to show you, I did a live video yesterday and we were in a beautiful lake. Now my girls are milking the cows. Here is our friend's house, and here are some of their animals. I don't know if you can see it, but they just fed all of the animals... I'm going to do this kind of fast because I don't know how long I'm going to have signal. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? I hope that you can hear and see me. I did not plan this book club very well to start this week, because we were traveling. And so you'll have to forgive me, I'm super sorry...

Welcome to Day 2 of our Book 8 session
But this is the book we're going through, "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus. If you're reading the book, how are you liking the book? I'm just going to go through the next four pages. Yesterday, he talked about choices, and he talked about "Moments" in the book.

I would love to know, how was your morning, and where are you tuning in from? I can't see any comments, I really hope that you can hear me. If the internet's bad, we'll have to wait till Saturday for the next live video. But I would say this book is great. It's going to give you awareness in the very beginning about choices and moments... You guys! My girls just got done milking the cow, and they are straining the milk. We are learning here, they've got chickens, they're getting sheep today, they've got horses and all the fun things. Our kids are loving it... Anyways, we are on page twelve (12), and he talked about enjoying the moments.

He said, "One of the reasons that we are unprepared for the moments before us is that we are stuck in the moments behind us"... I've talked about this before, in other books. And I've said that oftentimes people will say, and let me relate this to your health.

People will say "It's because of my environment in the past", "It's because of how I was raised", or "It's my parent's fault that I'm overweight"... They're living in this past moment, and we talked about blaming, shaming, or justifying the fact of where we are at today.
Stop Blaming, Shaming, Justifying!

Why are we dealing with the situation? Why are we overweight? Why are you the way that you are?... In another book, I've talked about don't blame, don't shame, and don't justify. But there should be ownership. There's a part of ownership, a part of having awareness, and going after your goals...

I'm hiding in one of the little girl's rooms because the internet wasn't working very well outside. I don't have my normal setup, so it's hard to prop the camera up... Okay! So he talked about choices. He said, "Don't let one moment in the past continue to haunt every moment in your life. A moment in your history that steals from you all of the moments in your future. Is there a moment that you keep reliving over and over again? To relive the past is to relinquish the future. If you are willing to let go of the past, then you are ready to step into your future. When you choose to remain stuck in the moments, you become incapable of seizing divine moments"...

So if you don't know, and you're brand new to the page, we have four girls. We're staying with a family, they're some of our very good friends. We met them about fifteen years ago, and they have six girls. So there are ten girls in this sweet little farm home. We're all staying here and it's just fun. Okay! So the beginning of the book is going to give you awareness. Are you stuck? Do you feel stuck? Is it something that you're blaming from the past? Is it a moment in time that you wish you would have done? Like "I wish I would have started last year, I'm not going to do anything now", "I wish I would have", "It's not my fault but it's somebody else's fault"... Partially, where you are today could be the results of parents, schooling or unawareness.

As a kid, you're really not in control of your environment. But as an adult there becomes a moment in time, it could be today where you've got to draw a line in the sand. You have to say, "I'm not going to blame anybody else for what I am today", "I'm done looking in the past, and I'm going to move on into the future", "I'm done holding this weight, and I'm going to keep going", "I'm done feeling like garbage", "I'm done looking behind me and I'm going to move forward"...
Moments Fuel the Momentum for Your Future

But you have to decide that you can't live there anymore. You have to have the awareness to keep moving. The book is great! He tells a lot of stories in this chapter, but I'm not going to read all of them to you.

He said "If you're stuck in a moment, turn around, stop looking behind you and dare to look forward. There is a life that awaits you, an opportunity to explore and even create a future. Time was not created with the power to hold you back. And if the future terrifies you, then just take it one moment at a time. Moments carry the momentum of the past and fuel the momentum for your future. Learning from the past informs and prepares you to seize the divine moments. At the same time looking to the future, positions and guides us to move into the moments with confidence. The present moment is where the past and the future collide, and within a moment there is momentous potential. Life is the sum total of what you do with the moments you are given"...

So there are other stories too, but those are kind of the highlights. He's basically just talking about moments. Are you ready to move forward? Are you going to stay stuck in the past?. We will start on page nineteen (19) tomorrow, as long as my internet is working. We're here for one more day, and we're going to leave on Friday morning.

One last thing, "While moments are the context within which we live, Choices chart the course and determine the destination"... I like that, I'm going to post that later. It's your choices, the way you look at life, and the people that were in your past. The things that you might feel that didn't set you up for success, are ultimately going to guide your choices, good or bad. But you have to decide...
Take one golden nugget that you can take with you into your future

I Should probably shower, this is real and raw. You get to see me not prepared, I'm usually a prepared person. I usually have a station and my internet, but I want you to enjoy coming here. So I hope that if you have the book, you're enjoying it.

You can go as fast or as slow as you want. Remember this book club isn't something like you have to keep up with me. It's just a guide, and I hope you can come here and be inspired. I hope you can come and take one thought, or one golden nugget that you can take with you into your future, your day, and into your moments.

Giving you awareness to say "I've been holding on to this, I'm going to move forward", or "I'm all done, I'm going to let it go"...

So that's all I have!

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