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CHASING DAYLIGHT (Chapter 5): Are You Currently In The Messy Middle? | Keto Mom Book Club

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Keto Mom Here!

         "Divine moments live in between the sweet beginnings and the savoring ends. They exist between innocence and the invincible. In the midst of a divine moment, you are both most powerful and most vulnerable. This messy in-between is the context of your life. You do yourself a disservice when every story has a happy ending in this life. It is far more important that there's a meaningful middle. So often that we're paralyzed in our fear to do anything wrong, and it's important to always move forward with all of the wisdom possible". ~Erwin McManus

Points to Ponder:

00:45 Quote Card: "Crush Your Goals, Don't Wait"

01:09 Don't Mess Up Good For Perfect

02:16 Work On Your Mindset

04:29 What Does The Middle Look Like?

05:41 The Messy Middle

06:25 The Meaningful Middle

07:51 You Can't Wish The Moments Away

09:21 Paralyzed In Our Fear To Do Wrong

10:42 "As I think, so I feel". "As I feel, so I do". "As I do, so I have"

11:14 I Get To Do This, I Don't Have To

Full Episode Transcript:

Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephanie, and we're going to dive into our book, "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus, our morning mindset. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? How is your morning? How was your weekend? Happy Monday! I actually love Mondays. I feel like we're here at a new week, and I do love it. So good morning, I was cleaning my room and I found these cute little quote cards the other day. I thought I'd read one to you, I picked this one out first, it said "Crush your goals".

Welcome to Day 12 of our Book 8 session
Here is the little quote or thought from that quote, and I just love finding new things that you didn't know you had. Okay, so it says "Do not wait! The time will never be just right. Start where you stand and work with whatever tool you have at your command". Napoleon Hill...

We say that often, "Don't mess up good for perfect". Just start! The time is never right, start where you stand and work with what you have. All right! I hope everybody had a wonderful weekend. Happy Monday! If you're at work or at home, wherever you are at, we are reading this book "Chasing Daylight". If you're brand new to the page, the point of the morning is just to give you something to think about.

This might hit you where you feel like you just need to start, and you've been waiting for that perfect time, or you just need to do something.

Oftentimes people think they need to have all of the tools, the resources, the perfect food, the perfect snacks, or the right scale. Listen, you just have to use what you have. So if that's what hit you today, take it, hold on to it, and take action... I love Monday morning, or I love all mornings. I love to read and I love to work on my mindset because I truly believe that if you work on your mindset every single morning, whether it's reading, listening to a podcast, listening to somebody or something, even if it's just picking up a quote and reading it to get your mindset right. It will truly help you walk through your day. If you have the right mindset, if you're thankful and grateful, you will make better choices throughout your entire day.

There's no such thing as a perfect time, Just do Something

If you get up crabby, and you feel like "I have to do this", "I don't want to do this", or "I hate Mondays". How do you think your day is going to go? Probably not great, and so that's why we pick a book, and I recap it for you. If you have the book, that's awesome. If not, then you can tune in here every single morning.

You're more than welcome to take one little nugget, take it with you throughout your entire day. Use it, reflect on it, and take action on it. That's the whole point...

So we are on Chapter Five of this book, if you're tuning in, I'm just going to read page one hundred forty fix (p.146) for you. I have one paragraph I was going to read to you. By the way, this book is full of stories and I think it's amazing, but it's a little bit harder to recap. The next book we're going to do is going to be very simple for everybody to follow along. If you read the book, you can take a nugget or one thought, and put it into action.

The next book we're going to do is called, "The Five-Second Rule" by Mel Robbins. Have you ever heard of it? If you haven't heard of it yet, it's an incredible book. "The Five-Second Rule" by Mel Robbins, we're going to start that book probably in December, or probably before then. Alright! So in this book, "Chasing Daylight", he talked about the power of moments. Are you capturing the moments? Here's one thing he said this morning that made me realize I also did this kind of stuff, and I have a really silly example for you.

Here's what he said, "Between once upon a time and happily ever after, what does the middle look like for you?"... Maybe some of you feel like you're in the middle right now. Like it was so exciting to start this lifestyle, it was so exciting to go after this new goal. You're not yet to your happily ever after, but you're in the middle. Does anybody feel like they're in the middle? I'll give you my example in a second.
We are often paralyzed in our fear to do wrong

Here's what he said, "Divine moments live in between the sweet beginnings and the savoring ends. They exist between innocence and the invincible. In the midst of a divine moment, you are both most powerful and most vulnerable. This messy in-between is the context of your life. You do yourself a disservice when every story has a happy ending in this life. It is far more important that there's a meaningful middle. So often that we're paralyzed in our fear to do anything wrong, and it's important to always move forward with all of the wisdom possible"...

I hope you caught that. I think oftentimes we say "The messy middle". The beginning is fun and exciting. The end is reaching the goal, or the happily ever after. But what about the middle? A lot of you are in the middle right now. Even I am in the middle right now, I haven't reached my goals. And there may never be a happily ever after. I've talked about this on the page before, oftentimes people say, "I'm going to do this lifestyle", "I'm going to do this diet until I get to the wedding, the vacation, or the anniversary"...

So there's a happily ever after, and sometimes right after we get to that end, we quit... He said, "It's not a messy middle, it's a meaningful middle". What are you doing right now? Don't just live for the end...

I'll give you a silly story. I have been really, ecstatically excited for Thanksgiving. If you're not in the United States, I know you don't celebrate the same time we do, your country is different. But last year, we had my husband's side of the family who didn't do Thanksgiving or Christmas at all, like nothing. And I just had this overwhelming sense of excitement that we are going to be hosting. I'm going to cook my very first turkey officially, well my husband is, and we're going to put it in the Traeger Grill. We've got it all lined up, and I'm just excited to be around them. I'm excited to see them, and I'm excited for the holidays. But I realized the last couple of weeks, that I really just want that week to be here. I'm not a huge shopper in stores, but on Friday, it's my husband and I, well it's our anniversary on Thanksgiving. It's been seventeen years, and we're having a very exciting time to cook and all of our family will be here.

I realized I can't wish the Moments away

So this Friday we're going to celebrate our anniversary, and I'm just so excited. I was reading this morning and I realized that I can't just wish these next two weeks away, we're currently in the middle. We really had fun last weekend, we had some great conversations, and some friends came over.

I just realized I don't want to rush away from the middle. Does that make sense? Like I kept talking about it and planning it. My husband said, "Listen, I get it. But it's not for two weeks". And I know that, I'm just excited. But actually, you need to make sure you enjoy and make special moments all the way there...

So I just read it this morning and I realized, "How many people hate the middle?", "How many people say it's the messy middle", "How many times do we wish so many moments away?". We're constantly waiting for the end, and when we get to the end, then it's done. That was my thought for today, and hopefully, you are looking forward to an end. You've got goals, you have dreams and there are great endings coming, like happily ever after, some of you might be getting married, going on vacations, or doing a lot of things.

My thought today is, "Let's not call it the messy middle, but let's call it the meaningful middle and not wish our time away"... He said, "Don't be paralyzed in our fear to do nothing or to do something wrong. It's important to always move forward with all of the wisdom that we have possible"...

"As I think, so I feel". "As I feel, so I do". "As I do, so I have"

Taking action basically. Anyways, I loved that, that's what I've read this morning, and what I wanted to share with you. I will continue reading tomorrow. With that, if you've never heard me say, and this is what I like to tell people when they don't truly feel like their mindset is important. I want you to think about this before you leave. It is important because, in order for you to make progress on your goals, you need to control your mindset. I've said this before, you should write it down to remind you how important your mindset is.

"As I think, so I feel". As I think, I'm going to feel negative or positive. "As I feel, so I do". If I feel negative, I'm probably not going to make good choices. But if I have a positive feeling and a thankful heart, I'm going to make better choices.
"As I think, so I feel". "As I feel, so I do". "As I do, so I have"...

You will have what comes to you, and what you get is a result of your actions and your feelings. It's a result of what you think, and that's why it's so important. You don't have to tune in here, but read something in the morning. Take five seconds and say something that you're thankful for. Look and go, "I get to do this, I don't have to". I want to work towards the end goal, but I want to enjoy the middle where I'm at. It's a meaningful middle, take it in, take action, work on your goals every single day, and don't wish for days to be gone. You're going to learn something every single day.

This is the book that we're going through, "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus. We're going to do Mel Robbins, "The Five-Second Rule" come December. You can grab that book if you want, you can listen to it on Audible, or you can tune in here every single day. Otherwise, I hope you have an incredible morning and continue to tune into the page. There are recipes, tips, and tricks here on the page for you. I hope you have an incredible day, and this was the quote that I read earlier this morning. "Take action, if you learn something, take action". That is the key! Have a wonderful morning, and I appreciate you always tuning in, and we'll talk to you soon. Bye!

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