Keto Mom Here!
"Most divine moments need to be seized, not simply walked through. There are many times in our lives when we thought one opportunity was God's door, and then we found out it was shut at that very last moment. In the midst of discouragement, we find that God created a new opportunity that we never imagined. That would be the window. Yet many times we find closed doors, locked windows, long corridors, and endless hallways. In other words, we find lots of walls" ~ Erwin McManus
Points to Ponder:
00:57 It's Thanksgiving Week
01:37 What Are You Thankful For
02:43 Fun Quote: Show it and do it!
03:26 Action Flips The Switch
03:39 Consistent Work Overtime
03:42 Chapter 7: IMPACT
04:15 Divine Moments Need To Be Seized
05:01 Discover Opportunities Hidden Behind Walls
06:16 Don't Sit Back And Wait For The Door To Open
06:53 It's Simple, But Not Easy
08:22 Waiting Results In Missed Opportunity
08:57 The Only Way You Fail Is If You Quit
09:39 Next Book: "The Five-second Rule" by Mel Robbins
Full Episode Transcript:
Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephanie. If you're watching this live video, happy Monday! I would love to know how your morning is, and I hope you had a great weekend. We're going to dive into the last bit of this book, "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus, and finish it this week. And then we will dive into a new book in December. So as you're tuning in, it's actually really cold here and I have the heat on. I was just sitting by the fire, but I'm really cold...

I'm going to read a fun little goals quote, and then I'm going to read something to you from this book that I thought was great. He talked about opportunities, doors, and windows.
So as you're tuning in, good morning! I love this week, and I'm actually really excited. If you live in the United States, it's Thanksgiving week. For people who work outside their homes, you would probably feel like it's a short week. Here we've got all the fun things, and I know many people don't like Black Friday, but I love Thanksgiving. We're celebrating my dad's 60th birthday, we've got Thanksgiving on Wednesday, Thursday, and it's my anniversary with my husband this week. It's going to be seventeen years, and we get to go have a fun day on Friday.
So I'm really, really excited for this week. It's kind of like kids during Christmas, like "I can't wait!"... Okay! How about we start this day off today. What's one thing you're thankful for? I'm thankful for you! I actually am. I love this Keto Mom page, I love helping others, I love when people send me their questions, and I can help them work through things. It's usually just a simple answer, and I love that. I love having conversations, so what are you thankful for? I'd love to know... Somebody said, "Unless you work in retail or for the medical field". You're right! My mom works in the medical field, my parents have worked in the medical field their whole life. And every holiday, they were working. For those who are working, you're amazing! You're amazing if you're working in retail, in the medical field, or any place in between, because you are blessing other people. So just think about it like that...

All right! I thought this was a fun little quote, it said, "I waited a long time out in the world before I gave myself permission to fail. Please don't even bother asking. Don't bother telling the world you are ready. Show it and do it!"...
Really, it's just based on action. I was like, "Action is the key", which is what I'm going to talk to you about in just a second. You probably hear me talk about this a lot, but if you have been on this page for any point in time, I hope you have realized that I always say, "I can tell you how to eat, I can tell you all of the tips and tricks. But you can't just watch a whole bunch of people, read all the books and not put the work in". It's an action that flips the switch. You take what you learned, and you put it into action. You will see the results come out of the fruit of your work, consistent work overtime...
We're on chapter seven, and I'm going to read just a very brief little statement that he said. It's called Impact, leave your mark. He tells stories but I'm not going to read all the stories to you. Most of the book is about divine moments. Are you seizing your moments? Are you seeing them? Are you sitting back and just waiting, asking for more signs? Or are you going to do it? Are you going to do the thing that's in front of you? You might be afraid and that's okay. But are you going to take action?
He said, "Most divine moments need to be seized, not simply walked through. There are many times in our lives when we thought one opportunity was God's door, and then we found out it was shut at that very last moment"... Have you ever had an experience wherein the door was always open and then suddenly the doors closed?

He said, "In the midst of discouragement, we find that God created a new opportunity that we never imagined. That would be the window. Yet many times we find closed doors, locked windows, long corridors, and endless hallways. In other words, we find lots of walls"... How many of you feel like there are lots of walls, no doors, and no windows?. So he said, "It's pretty easy to see the doors of opportunity, and it's always exciting when the window of opportunity opens. What can be missed are endless divine opportunities hidden behind the walls that can be discovered only if you go through the wall. Some of life's greatest opportunities are not behind doors or windows, but they're behind walls. They require genuine effort, they require beyond risk, they require real sweat, it requires action"...
Oftentimes, I think we sit back, we have a distinct yes, or a 100% the doors opened or the window is there for you. Rarely do people try to bust down a wall. Why? Because they think, "It's not mine", "I can't have that", or "I shouldn't have that". When in reality, it's exactly what the author said, there are a lot of opportunities.
There are a lot of things that you can go after in your life. But they're behind a wall, which means the vision might not be clear, or there's no map for you to get it. You know it's there, and you probably know it's going to take a lot of hard work. But you can totally get there, if you're consistent, if you put in the work, if you put in the sweat, the effort, and take the action. If you don't just sit back and wait for the door to open. I think we use the excuse like, "It's not really for me, it's for somebody else", "It really wasn't a door", "I didn't get the word", "I've been praying about it for a long time", "I just didn't know if I should do it, so I waited"...

I love what he said, "There are a lot of things, and a lot of great opportunities behind walls. But what you have to do is put in great efforts"...
Most things in life don't come easy, and if you're just here for fat loss, it's not going to come easy. It's simple, but not easy. Nothing is easy, but there is a simple process. If you put in the work consistently over time, you will get past the wall.
That's the fear, it's the hard work, it's the "I can't believe it", and it might seem impossible, but you can do it. It's not going to be easy. "Simple", I like that word.
Alright! He said, "I've become convinced over the years, that the most important moments to seize, and the most significant opportunities are the ones that do not come easy. Even when they begin easy enough, oftentimes, they become far more complex"...
It's like right after you start, you become excited. You feel like, "I'm going after this", "I don't know where it's going", "I don't have all the steps, but I'm going to take the next step"... And then what happens? Your simple process becomes harder and harder. He said, "It becomes more complex and difficult in the last phases. It shouldn't surprise us that giving ourselves to great things comes with a cost. After all, if divine moments were that easy to seize, everyone would be living the abundant life of which they want"...
Something to think about today, right?. Are you doing easy? Are you waiting? Have you been waiting for the most divine opportunity or the dream?. Sometimes waiting is going to result in a missed opportunity. It might not look like the doors open or the windows open. But anything behind the wall can be achieved if you put in the work. So anything that you're hoping for, the desires in your heart, the things you want to go after, don't just study it. Don't just hope for it, don't just wish for it, you're going to have to work towards it. And in that work, consistency over time, you're going to learn, you're going to fall and you're going to get back up.
Remember, the only way you fail is if you quit. You will accomplish and you'll get further and further, one step at a time, one day at a time. You will get there in the timeframe with which you allow it. The harder you work, the more consistent you are, it will go faster. And faster could be two years versus five years. Faster could be one year versus the three weeks that you want to see results in.
So I hope you enjoyed this morning, my goal is to be done with this book by this week. We'll take the last few days and I'll just give you some different things to think about. We're going to start "The Five-second Rule" by Mel Robbins, by December. Reach out with any questions that you have, I'm always here to help. You can send me a message, it doesn't matter if it's a Keto question, a food question, or an exercise. Whatever it is, just send me a message, and I would love to chat. I hope you have an incredible morning and we'll talk to you soon.
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