"At this very moment, you possess the power of perspective. You can choose to see your life becoming whatever you wish. If you choose, you can move the mountains in your life's path, with eventual help from those who will come to love you and learn to respect you for who you are becoming". ~Andy Andrews
Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephanie and we're still going through "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews. This chapter that we're going to go through has nothing to do with keto, but I'm going to help connect it with your life in any circumstance or any situation that you're in.
We had a situation, not directly with our children, but something that needed to be addressed. It had something to do with choices, mistakes, consequences, and forgiveness whether it was for yourself or for others.
I'm not going to tell you the actual situation that we are working through, but it's funny how things come up, obviously when they need to.
I really like talking about mindset and helping you on your journey to becoming better. Because I truly believe that your mind and your words are powerful.
I can help you learn how to eat, what to eat, and the foods to put down. I can tell you how much water to drink, or how to simply get started on your fat loss journey. But it's very important that you learn the power of how often we can sabotage ourselves.

Unforgiveness has a real toll on whether we eat out of emotion or not. There are so many factors that affect your health journey than you think. And if you allow yourself to dive into it, and truly work on your mindset, then it will help you immensely.
By the way, if you're looking for keto or low-carb recipes, our past book reviews, or anything that's helped me on my journey. You can go to our blog, ketomomsecrets.com.
All right! What are you thankful for? I'm thankful for wisdom from other people that have already gone before us. People who taught us so that we don't have to make the same mistakes. I'm truly thankful for books, podcasts, and people who shared their wisdom so that we can learn from them.
The next chapter was about a man that made some poor choices. So think about the choices and decisions that you, your family, or the people in your sphere of influence have made.
Oftentimes people will say, "I made a mistake"... I don't know where the message today is going to pertain to you in life, but it's going to be something that we have to physically walk through in the next couple of days. Something happened last night, and it's so interesting that I'm reading about this right now.

He didn't show up for his wife's birthday, he didn't show up for a kid's game. He just didn't prioritize his life. And then something happened in the work that caused him to lose the trust of everybody he knew. And so in that situation, he said "I made a mistake"...
Maybe you're holding on to things from your past because other people made mistakes. I often have people think of the reasons why they eat out of their emotions. And so they try to think of things from their past that could be the cause. It might be a person, circumstances, or things that had happened.
Jones, the main character in the book said, "There are mistakes and there are choices".
Every day you get to make choices. We make choices regarding the things we say and the things that we eat. There are mistakes and there are choices.
"Here's a mistake. If you get lost and you wander through the forest in the dark, unable to see, and unaware of the cliff that's nearby. You stumble off the cliff and break your neck, that's a mistake".

"But let's say it's daylight and you're wandering around the forest. You were told to never go in the forest, there were no trespassing signs up. But you think that you can slip in, slip out, and not get caught. You physically saw the signs that said 'No Trespassing. Let's say that you fell off a cliff and broke your neck. That my friend is not a mistake, it was a conscious choice".
You knew not to do something. You saw the sign, you were told not to do it. But you still made the choice to do it.
There are mistakes and choices. And there's the power of forgiveness. Some of you need to forgive yourself for mistakes or choices you've made in the past.
So many people say they're not happy with where they're at today. They blame their parents, a spouse, or somebody who said something to them that caused them to eat out of their emotions. As a result, they've never forgiven that person or themselves. And that's the reason why you are, where you are today.
It's a big deal because people take food and they tie it to unforgiveness. Most people eat out of their emotions. They eat because they're angry or sad.
"Forgiveness is about the past".

Some of you do have to forgive things in the past, the people, and the things that were said. It doesn't mean that you trust, it means you forgive. Because out of forgiveness, you can move forward and start working on yourself. Some of you also have to actually forgive yourself.
"Forgiveness is about the past, trust and respect are about the future".
"Forgiveness will be in the hands of others and can be given to you. But trust and respect are in your own hands, and they must be earned".
And so he talked about the power of mistakes and the power of choices. There are people in your life that are watching you. In this chapter, this man had a son and Jones said to him "Your son will become what his father becomes. Your son is watching you and he is seeing how you handle situations. Your son is seeing the mistakes and choices that you make"...
My children are watching the things that we put first, they watch the choices that we make. They watch the words that we say, they watch everything. We often say "More is caught than taught"...
If all we're talking about is the food that you're eating, and how you're physically taking care of yourself. Remember, you can't give or overflow to others if you don't feel well. The people who are in your environment are watching you. If it's your children, they will grow up and most likely will have a relationship with food, and the gym or they will have certain awarenesses just like you did.

And so, when you take care of yourself, I want you to think about that. Think about the people that are watching you and the choices that you make. If you're going around the same mountain or doing the same things over and over again.
Maybe take a step back and think about how you need to take care of yourself so you can pour into your children, your spouse, or whoever else you can pour into.
People are watching you, not with a negative eye or a pointing finger. But someday they're going to copy you and do what you did. And if you've got children, they're going to ultimately become you.
Focus and work on yourself, so you can overflow into other people. And if you've got children, you can help them understand the power of their choices, so that in the future they don't have to start where you're at today.

"You can choose to see your life becoming whatever you wish. If you choose, you can move the mountains in your life's path, with eventual help from those who will come to love you and learn to respect you for who you are becoming".
So that was what this chapter was all about, mistakes, choices, forgiveness, trust, and respect. I want you to forgive yourself and trust yourself. I want you to know that if there were mistakes in the past that have caused you to be where you are today. There's forgiveness for the past so that you can move forward.
I think there are a couple more chapters left and then we'll move on to something else. If you have questions, send me a message I'm here to help. I hope you guys have a great day, I truly appreciate you and we'll talk to you very soon. Bye!
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