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Keto Lunch Ideas - Helpful Tips | Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Keto Mom here!

If you go out to eat, buns off the burgers, croutons off the salad, grab a lettuce wrap, super simple. Remember choices, your choices and every choice you make is within three feet. Meaning, you have to make choices all around you at all times. So it just takes a little preparation, mindfulness and making the better choice. One meal at a time, one day at a time, one choice at a time.

Points to Ponder

01:05 It's all about Choices

01:51 Pre Pattie Hamburgers

02:01 Hotdogs, Cheeseburgers and Shrimp

02:38 Buns off the burgers

02:45 Every Choice is within Three Feet

03:21 Stock up at the beginning of the week

03:24 Beef sticks, Cheese sticks and Pickles

03:39 A little Preparation

03:43 Making the Better Choice

04:09 One meal at a time

04:30 Hibiscus Lemonade flavor

04:51 The Energy, The Fat loss, The Focus

Full Episode Transcript

Hi, everybody! How are you doing? I want to hop on here real quick, it's not going to be a super long live. We're making lunch kind of early, it's 11 o'clock, and it won't be done till 11:30. But the kids are hungry, we're all hungry, so we're going to grill up some food. I thought I would have fun here and answer some basic Q & A.

For those of you who are drinking my mom fuel, your mom fuel, or your dad fuel. We have one of the most amazing favorite flavors on sale at the moment, if you love hibiscus lemonade.
What are you having for Lunch?

Alright, so what's for lunch? Did you plan, did you prepare? Did you bring a bag lunch to work or are you going out to eat? Do you know what you're going to get? Because remember, it's all about choices.

So we're grilling up some cheeseburgers, a couple of my daughter's want some hot dogs. One of my oldest daughters has some of her volleyball friends over so we're just going to grill up some food real quick. I also have a handful of ladies, some of them on my team that are coming this weekend.

So we are going to be having a house full and actually tenting in my front yard, because the lake is in the backyard. So be sure to stay tuned in because we're going to show you how you feed people in the masses, and everybody that's coming is low carb or Keto. So we are about to make some lunch. They're pre-packaged, or pre-pattied hamburgers, I don't usually patty my own, I know I probably should. But we're doing that, and some of my daughters want some shrimp. So we're having hotdogs, cheeseburgers and shrimp, my husband's having a steak, so just all the grill. So what are you having for lunch?

Did you plan your lunch out, because if you didn't, I want to give you a couple tips. Number one, if you go out to eat, buns off the burgers, croutons off the salad, grab a lettuce wrap, super simple. Remember choices, your choices and every choice you make is within three feet.
It's your choice, you have to make better decisions

Meaning, you have to make choices all around you at all times, and you've got to take the next step to that next decision. When you are ordering, you choose... French Fries or Vegetables, French Fries or Salad, Potato or Salad...

Take the buns off the burgers, I don't need the croutons, get the dressing on the side. You choose, you order. If you brought your own lunch, that's awesome.

I always tell people, if you have a refrigerator at your office, make sure that you stocked that up at the beginning of the week with things like beef sticks, cheese sticks and pickles. Food that you can snack on so that you don't fall to the fast paced day, pizzas ordered, you didn't grab your food and now you have to eat the pizza because you're starving. So it just takes a little preparation, mindfulness and making the better choice.

So before you eat something, in any situation that you're at, whether you're at home, the office or at a restaurant. What is your best choice in this situation right now? What is in front of you, what can you choose? Not what's perfect, unless you plan the most perfect meal.

But what is the best option in the situation that you are at, and then choose it. One meal at a time, one day at a time, one choice at a time.

You can totally do it. I want to know what you're having for lunch because it gives other people ideas. If you packed a lunch, what did you pack for lunch? If you're going out to eat, where are you going out to eat and what are you ordering? My family and I grill a lot, so we keep it super simple around here. And for those of you who love my mom fuel, Hibiscus Lemonade flavor is on sale today. So if you're already a customer, just login, it's probably one of the most favorite flavors ever.

My Mom Fuel, Hibiscus Lemonade Flavor

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, reach out. I have my mom fuel that I've been drinking for over six years and it's incredible. I always joke and say I haven't taken a nap in six years. I love how I feel, I love the energy, the fat loss, the focus, all of the things.

So I'm here to help you on your Keto journey. I will give you tips and tricks and where to start. I will share lots of recipes on here, and I'm going to give you some mindfulness.

We're going to read a book together every single morning. So tune in here, usually around 7:30 Central time. And then anytime you've got questions, make sure that if you're my customer, you're in my customer group. Anytime you've got questions about supplements, what to take or how to take them, send me a message. I love this conversation, I love to help. That's it, I hope you have a great afternoon.

I look forward to reading, what everybody's having for lunch, and we'll talk to you later. Bye, everybody.

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