"It doesn't mean that if you messed up this morning, the rest of your day is shot down. Everyday, there are choices we can make. You get to get up in the morning and decide to do the best that you can. If you don't achieve the things that you want to achieve, just keep going".

Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephanie, I wanted to come here and encourage you. If you're feeling like you messed up today, you messed up this week, I've messed up for the last month, I can't get back on track, or wherever you fall in that category. If you haven't, then just think about this when you do.
So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? Here's a story about me that all my friends and my family know. I'm very positive about the fact that I'm going to have bigger biceps, I'm going to have big muscles, and I want to get stronger.

Over the course of years, I've learned things like the amount of protein I have to eat, the workouts that I have to do, and the amount of food that I have to eat because there's a difference between losing fat and gaining muscle.
I've implemented some of those things, and then I think a week ago, I started a program called Armageddon.
I go to CrossFit.
I eat low carb, higher protein, moderate fat, and low carb.
I drink ketones
I drink protein shakes.
When you're watching somebody online or if you're following somebody, always remember that everybody has different goals. There are a lot of different ways to do keto. There are people who are super strict. The word "Keto" to me years ago, was mostly about tracking your food. It was the only way people knew how to do it, and drinkable ketones did not exist yet.
But then over the course of years, it has turned into its own thing like low carb keto, dirty keto, clean keto. You can't even physically do the same thing that your best friend is doing because she might be dairy free, he might be vegan keto, and there are just so many different ways to do low carb.
So I want you to understand that if you're here on this journey, you can always ask me questions. Maybe you're not keto, maybe you're paleo, maybe your whole 30, I don't really care. But the biggest thing that people get into their mindset, wherever they fall in line with your keto journey is, that they messed up today, so it's okay to just throw in the towel for the rest of the day.

Or they just don't start because it's not perfect, or because they missed a couple of days. People immediately get into this mindset of "I screwed up", "I can't do this", "I'm not going to do this", and "I'm just going to quit".
I didn't fall into that trap, but I could have easily done that. I started a program called Armageddon, which is a 12-week program to build some muscles. I'm already going to CrossFit, and I've got my food even more dialed in. When I started this 12-week program, I told myself "I will not miss a day". But then I missed two days.
I missed yesterday and the day before that. So I actually missed Sunday and Monday. And if you don't understand the power of your mind, or if you don't understand the phrase, "The only way you fail is if you quit". If you don't understand that just because you missed one day or one month, doesn't mean that you can't restart.
If you don't get your mindset in line, or if you don't believe that you can do it, then it might not work out. We're all going to mess up!
We're all probably going to have a day, a morning, or an afternoon where we mess up. You either don't do it, you run out of time, you don't prioritize it, or you make a bad choice.

In those moments, you've got to decide...
Are you going to keep going?
Are you going to give up?
Since I missed two days of my 12-week program, I could have easily decided that I'm not going to do it anymore, it was too hard. But I realized that this is where most people are at.
Yes, I missed two days but that doesn't define me.
It doesn't mean that the work that I've already put in, is not working.
It doesn't mean that I haven't done the work.
It doesn't mean that I can't do it today.
So many people fall into this trap...
I screwed up in the morning, so I'll start tomorrow.
I'll just throw in the towel for the rest of the day and eat whatever I want.
I screwed up today, I'll restart on Monday.
I screwed up so I'll start next month.
I'll start at the beginning of the year.
I didn't really truly follow the 12-week program because I missed two days. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to do it at all. Who said that reaching a goal or doing something great is going to be easy? Anytime you talk to somebody that had success in what you wanted to achieve, they would always say that they had hard days.

I also had days where I had to just get off the pity party, get back up, and keep going.
I don't know who needed to hear this today. But I had to talk myself into accepting that even though I missed two days, I can just restart today. If I might miss another day, it's okay. I will just keep going.
"The only way you fail is if you quit".
It doesn't mean that if you messed up this morning, the rest of your day is shot down. Every day, there are choices we can make. You get to get up in the morning and decide to do the best that you can. If you don't achieve the things that you want to achieve, keep going.

I don't know who needed to hear it, but I really wanted you to understand that if you've stopped, if you've quit, or if you're frustrated, then it's all right. We're all on a journey.
I will tell you there's nothing more frustrating than this. I love social media, and I hate it at the same time. So I shared my story about missing two days of my 12-week program. I actually told one of my friends, that I'll check with her every single day. But I did not, and I didn't send her my muscle pictures. I fell off for two days, but it's okay.
Accountability is important! If you fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people, especially on social media. I mean I love that I can reach out to all of you and you're all over the world. It's so incredible. And yet, I find that so many people compare themselves to other people.
Social media can be a great encouragement, but at the same time, it can be a great trap.

So you've got to know what your line is. You've got to know who you can follow and who you can watch with a mindset to learn. You've got to know who you need to unfollow. Do not follow with a comparison.
I have four daughters, they will be 15, 13, and 11, and then the youngest just turned 9. And as we're going into their teenage years, I realized that we didn't have to deal with what they're having to deal with today. If somebody picked on you, you could just go home. And then they really couldn't pick on you anymore till you got back to school because there were no social media platforms before.
Social media can inspire you or it can ruin you. It can keep you going, or it can completely stop you. You've got to know who you're following, and why you're following them. Do not follow people with a jealous heart or with comparison.
Please don't waste your life on social media. Come to learn, come to grow, learn from others, and then be done. I teach our girls that all the time. One of our daughters loves to inspire teens, so she can also go down a route of comparison. And if I see it, I'm going to nip that in the bud, and we're done.

You can unfollow, get off for a week, and focus on yourself, you know what you need to do.
Don't let comparison take you out.
Don't let other people's perfect pictures take you out.
Don't let other people's journey because of you.
Don't know how long of a journey they've been on, take you out.
This is your race.
Stay in your lane.
Follow those who you are inspired by, and whom you can learn from.
And it's okay to not follow and learn from everybody. I'm here to help you if you need help with food recipes. You can head over to ketomomsecrets.com. We have a book club, there are recipes, and there are a lot of things you can learn from. You can send me a message, I would love to reach out and help you in any way shape, or form.
Your whole health journey can be a roller coaster. Here's the last thing I'll leave you with. The word is "Mudita". It's not an English word, and we don't have a word for it in English. Jay Shetty was the man that talked about this word at an event that I was at.
We don't have an English word for it, but people truly don't have "Mudita". Because there's not a word that explains this. You have to be able to watch people in their life or on their journey and have absolutely true "Mudita" for those people.
So as I was working out, I was having this realization of how hard these CrossFitters work and how hard they trained for years. I wasn't jealous, and I had this "Mudita" moment for them, I was joyful and happy for them.

Having "Mudita" for somebody is watching somebody do something. Mudita means you can look at that person, not with envy, not with jealousy, not with comparison, but you can look at that person and be happy for them.
It's the purest joy for somebody else, and it has nothing to do with you. Because they were able to achieve a goal and accomplished something that they put a lot of hard work in.
You don't have to be jealous.
You don't have to be envious.
You can learn and grow.
So I appreciate you, send me a message if you need anything. I hope you have a great afternoon and we'll talk to you soon. Bye, everybody!
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