So while on vacation, you can make better choices. Always remember that most people can still overeat good food. Keep it super simple, and don't overthink it. It's not about perfection, but it's about the process of your journey and staying in your own lane. The only way you fail is if you quit.
Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephani and we're going to talk about vacation and food.
What did you have for lunch today?
We're in Florida right now with my whole family. I'm with my two sisters, brother, my husband, all the husbands, my parents, and all 14 grandkids. We're at Cocoa Beach, it's only day one and we're going to be here all week.
I had a couple of people ask me what I was going to do for food. "Do you guys go out to eat?", and "Doesn't that get expensive?"
My parents love to drive, they would drive to Europe if they could. My parents packed up their bus, and they drove all the way to Florida. And so we are all on vacation, we're at the beach and we all rented an Airbnb together in Orlando.

I'm going to share with you what we're doing for food, we actually just finished making lunch. So my parents not only have a bus, but they also packed a trailer. And in the trailer, they brought a grill too. So we made burgers, hot dogs, and broths. We are going to grill for the next couple of days on the beach, or at the hotel, and we're keeping it super simple.
Let's just be real, if you're vacationing or traveling, it does get really expensive when you go out to eat, especially with kids.
So we packed our own food, and then we're going to the grocery store. We're going to make our own food, and I actually don't know if we'll go out to eat one time. First of all, it's hard to go out to eat with 24 people. Everybody can sit with their families but our kids would rather be playing in a pool or in the ocean.
But if in case we were to go out to eat, we can still stay low carb and keep it super simple. Order whatever you want, you can stick to protein and a salad. Take the croutons off your salad, and put the dressing on the side. I actually just had a burger with no buns, super simple and it completely satisfied me. I think oftentimes, people think they need to have two sides or an appetizer. No, you don't!
Remember most people overeat, and you can even overeat good food.

So we are going to be grilling all week, and then if we're going to eat out, we can stick to protein & veggies. You can also substitute your potato or fries for a veggie, with the dressing on the side. We only order water if we go out to eat. My kids have never ordered anything else besides water.
We are water drinkers, we don't drink pop or soda. I drink ketones which is what keeps my cravings under control. Ketones help me to avoid eating all those sides, that's why I'm super satisfied with my burger.
So when you're traveling, what is your go-to meal? If you go out to eat, what do you order?
We actually love Chipotle because you can get a taco salad. You can also get a burger with no bun, or a salad with chicken or protein. I love salad and salmon, and then I'll get the dressing on the side. We keep it really simple.
What did you have for lunch today?
You can do an egg Salad, or a tuna fish salad. Some of my favorite things are lettuce wraps or low-carb wraps. We have a whole bunch of meat and cheese. My mom was cutting up some salami and cheese for everybody, and that's it.

We're making sure all of the kids are hydrated. If you are strict keto or low carb, electrolytes are important.
If you get leg cramps or a headache, you need more electrolytes because your body is flushing that out when you're in ketosis.
If you've never tried drinking ketones, I call it my Mom fuel but it's actually anybody's fuel. This is a tool and it puts you in ketosis in under an hour. It gives you energy, focus, and appetite control, and it tastes incredible. But it's a tool, not a magic pill.
The point of getting on track and working on your health is to make it a lifestyle.
Choosing better
Being mindful
Not overeating, you can still overeat good food
Not eating when you're not hungry
Not eating when you're bored.
Drinking water
Cutting out some of the sugary junk
You don't need to have a meal, two sides, bread, and a dessert. You can be completely satisfied with using smaller plates and dishing up smaller amounts. It's all about thinking before you eat. If you physically can't stop yourself from eating, then you're going to have to get a food tracker, like a "My Fitness Pal" or "Carb counter".

You don't have to do it for the long term, but if you can't make those choices for yourself then start tracking everything you eat.
It's all awareness and giving yourself a little bit of time before you just eat, being mindful, and making better decisions.
So that's what I have for you today. You can always go to, that's our blog where you can find keto/ low carb recipes. You can also find our Book Club there, to help you work on your mindset. There's also information on how to get started on Keto. There are a lot of fun things coming up at the end of this month.
So while on vacation, I am not strict on keto. I'm more low carb, but I make better choices. I only drink ketones and water. We also got up early, watched the sunrise, and moved our bodies. I'm aware of the food that I'm eating. I'm not going to say that I won't have a treat, but if in case I do have one, I just drink my ketones to get back on track and feel great.

It's not about perfection, but it's about the process of your journey and staying in your own lane. The only way you fail is if you quit.
I'm here to help and I hope you guys have an incredible day. Message me with questions and we'll talk to you soon. Bye!
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