For lunch we always keep it so simple, like Egg salad, Tuna Fish, Low Carb Wrap Leftovers, and Grilled Burgers. We also talked about tools that can help you on your journey to make things simpler...
Welcome to the Keto Mom page! My name is Stephanie, it's already lunchtime and I want to give you some lunch ideas. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from?
I'm going to talk to you about ketones and some lunch ideas. Number one, the company that I have been drinking ketones from, Pruvit is celebrating our 7th year birthday. I've been drinking ketones for seven years. I'll tell you what these are and how they work. I call it my Mom fuel but it's not just for moms, it's for dads and other people as well. Ketones are brain fuel.
What are you having for lunch?

I want to give you different recipes, and ideas, and you can also go to and click check on the different recipes we have.
Egg Salad
Tuna Fish
Low Carb Wrap Leftovers
Grilled Burgers
We keep it so simple, and we also talked about tools that can help you on your journey to make things simpler. Examples would be an air fryer or a waffle maker. In the mornings you can use this to make ketone protein waffles or low-carb pizzas. I love pizza because I can make them on a low-carb wrap, Rayos marinara sauce, and toppings, and then bake them.
Don't overthink this...
I don't know what to do.
I'm so stressed out.
I don't know how to eat.
I need to lose some fat.
I need to get back on track.

I will help you! We're not going to overcomplicate it, we're going to keep it simple. You can do the following options:
Do intermittent fasting
Eat low a carb breakfast
Watch what you're drinking
Drink more water
Cut out the junky sugary stuff
No buns on the burgers
Croutons off your salad
Use lettuce wraps and low-carb wraps
Only eat when you're hungry
Do not eat because you're bored
You can overeat good food.

We have so many different flavors, and I've got some trial packs for you. Seven years ago, my husband handed me a packet, and at that point, I wasn't eating keto yet. My husband needed to lose 50 pounds, and he was already doing the keto diet. He found this product and he said if this worked, it was going to change thousands of lives.
Seven years later it's now changed thousands of lives. We have a product in liquid form, and one in powder form. You just need to choose one packet, and with your shaker bottle, use 16 ounces or 24 ounces of water and just mix it. You can use more or less water than you want. I prefer less water. Everybody has their fuel of choice. Some drink coffee, and energy drinks, and some even have Mountain Dews. My fuel of choice is ketones.
Do ketones work?
Why do they work?
How do they work?
Yes! They work! It's clean fuel. Your body runs off of sugar, carbs, or ketones. But through tons of research, it's discovered that your brain actually prefers ketones. You can check Prüvit TV if you want to learn more. It has incredible information on ketones, I love it.

So you open this packet, put it in some water, drink it, and in under an hour you're going to be in ketosis. Ketones also taste incredible.
And what's great is you don't have to be eating keto. The company has come so far in seven years. Ketones can give you the energy that you need. The first day I drank this packet I didn't need a nap and it changed my life forever. If there's one thing that I need, it's to stay present, focused, and not have to take naps so I can homeschool our girls. We have four daughters, and four dogs, and my husband, and I have people who need me. I don't have time to sleep, nor do I want to.
Benefits of Ketones:
Appetite control
Avoid snacking on junk foods
Craving control
Muscle preservation
Brain fuel
So most people love the fat loss, they feel incredible, and they love the energy. When they reach their goals they love that they can get up and feel great because they have a clean fuel source.

Ketones come in caffeine and are caffeine-free. I want you to understand what it is, I can send you a video that explains what they are and how they work. Ketones are a fuel source. If you need to detox or cleanse, we have something a product called the Reboot kit. It includes ketones, electrolytes, and broth.
I will give you tips, tricks, recipes, and things to help you create a lifestyle. We talked about mindset, family, and doing this together. We talked about the power of your words, food, and so much more. If you want to stay on track, find tools and the things that keep you motivated, inspired, focused, and going.
So some of you love that coffee with Coconut Oil. Some are water drinkers, some drink black coffee, and some just make better choices. You need to look at the amount of sugar that you're drinking. We're going to fix that with something that tastes great and does not require a crazy diet. Something that's going to keep you on track, help you be motivated, inspired, and keep you going.
So just send me a message and ask questions. It doesn't matter what the question is, I would love to help you guys. I will answer any question that you need help with because I love talking to people. I am blessed to be able to talk to people here.

You can reach your goals with the right mindset, consistency, and right expectations. You didn't get here overnight, so you're not going to get there overnight. I truly believe one simple thing that helps people, besides drinking ketones, is just having an awareness.
"If I'm not hungry, I don't need to eat".
We snack
We eat out of boredom
We eat because we're emotional
We eat because everybody else is eating
Before you choose something to eat, munch on snacks, or put food in your mouth, are you truly hungry or are you just bored?

We eat just because we socialize, we eat because it's in front of us. It's just a never-ending, ever-flowing food. Food is fuel, and you can enjoy food but you don't need to be eating all day long. And you don't need to be eating every two hours. Even if it's keto, if you're not hungry, you can still overeat it.
Awareness is one simple concept. If you're not hungry, you don't need to eat. Ask yourself, "Am I hungry?", "Am I bored?"... We'll help you have awareness. You can drink more water, get out of the kitchen, go for a walk, and drink ketones.
Alright! Thank you for tuning in. I appreciate you all and we'll talk to you soon.
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