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Overeating Good Fats - Paying attention to Calories | Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Keto Mom here!

Have you ever found yourself in a position or a thought where you're like, "Oh that's Keto I can eat it".

Here's the biggest thing that I think people get slipped up on, I truly believe people overeat even good food. There are more calories in a fat gram, so it's not that you're eating bad food you're just eating too much, your body just doesn't need as much food

Points to Ponder

00:49 When I started Keto

01:37 Are my kids Keto

02:03 Birch Benders Cookie a la cup

02:26 Drawing for the 24 hour reboot

02:39 My recipe for Chili

05:35 Thoughts on Calories and Fats

06:26 What people usually do with snacks

07:37 How I coach people

08:24 Kinds of Keto

10:16 Difference between Low carb and Strict Keto

11:38 Don't EAT when you're not hungry

11:59 Make conscious decisions

12:03 Don't overconsume food

13:25 Some easy tips to help you

Full Episode Transcript

Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie and we're going to talk about the topic of "Can I overeat good fat, or do I have to pay attention to calories". That is the question of the day. Do I have to pay attention to calories, can I overdo good fats? This question comes up a lot, so as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from I'm actually making dinner. I don't think you can see that I'm making dinner, I'm making chili and I was going to tell you how I'm making chili because it's super simple. I clearly need to fix this, but as you're tuning in where are you tuning in from, I am from Minnesota. If you are brand new post "New" below, I would love to connect with you, get to know your goals, help you on your journey.

Welcome to the Keto Mom page!

I am a mom who has been on this low carb Keto journey for almost six years, my husband it's been well over eight. And when I joined my husband on this journey, mine looked very different than a lot of other people.

And I just simply walked into this lifestyle, taking it one step at a time, one day at a time, trying a new vegetable, drinking more water, moving my body.

So there's so many things, it took me about a year to get comfortable with what we were doing. It wasn't an overnight, clear out the fridge and have everything in place. I love to say don't mess up good for perfect. This is not about perfection, it is about a lifestyle and we have since created a lifestyle over the last six years. So oftentimes I get people that ask "Are your kids Keto?", No my kids eat better. They eat what I make them, we just eat simple and they don't complain, my kids are actually great eaters. So here's what I'm making right now real quick and then we're gonna dive into the conversation of "Do I have to pay attention to calories and can I over eat Keto foods or good fats?". Actually, we tried one of these earlier, I'm going to talk about these in a second.

Birch Benders Cookie a la cup

Has anybody tried these desserts (Birch Benders Cookie a la cup), we just tried the cake one and the brownie one, we have not tried this one yet. Have you tried these (Birch Benders Cookie a la cup) and what do you think? So also, I did not do the drawing yet for the 24 hour fast mainly because I forgot, so for those of you who shared the video yesterday, your name is going into the drawing for the 24 hour fast. If you press the share button below let me know, post share below and your name will go into a drawing for mom fuel the next time I do a video, which will probably be tomorrow and I won't forget the people from yesterday.

So here's how I make the chili, I make our chili very hearty chili. You guys I don't love vegetables, I will eat vegetables, I don't love them. So I love asparagus and I like cauliflower and I will eat broccoli, I don't like a lot of vegetables and I will eat them if they have garlic and butter on them let's just say that. So for example with the chili, I love meaty chili so what I did is I actually made a pretty small pot for tonight because we have a big weekend coming up.

I have all of my meals planned we're feeding a handful of people, but for tonight I took three pounds of hamburger for our family. So there's six people in our family, we like it super meaty and here's the sauce that I use. I just grab a simple marinara sauce it's RAO'S, I like to get it at Costco because it's the best price. So I just take this, I mix it in to three pounds of hamburgers. So I have one, thirty two ounce can of this with three pounds of hamburger and then put whatever vegetables you want in there.

I actually blend it all together, not the meat but if I were to put any vegetables, the only type of vegetable I like in my chili where you can have the chunks is celery. Otherwise my kids like pepper so you can chop up whatever you want, don't overthink this. Oftentimes people go "How do you make your chili?" and I go

"I just ground up a whole bunch of hamburger, I seasoned it with garlic, I put in the marinara sauce, you can put in whatever vegetables you want and then I season it with chili powder until I like the flavor".

That's it, then we top it with some cheese and sour cream, it's so simple you just season to taste. And as you go about this lifestyle you're going to learn, I don't measure a lot of things I dump and I add and I dump and some people go "I'm so irritated with you (me Stephanie)". Because my recipes don't have the carb count and the macro count and I go "I know", most of them are dump add taste dump add taste.

Don't over complicate your meals

I use all low carb ingredients, all better ingredients but I don't count my food like we did years and years ago. So the chili is on the stove it is cooking, we should be set and I do love this sauce. Just so you know tomatoes in general, the reason I like this is because it's a super simple ingredient and it has the least amount of carbs and sugar that I've ever seen marinara or tomato sauce have. So that's why I use this one, I know it's more expensive, but it's super great I like the flavor too. So that's how I make my chili, what are you having for dinner I would love to know, and I like it to sit on the stove for at least an hour or two. So that's why I'm making it early, so it can get all the seasoning and it's going to be incredible.

So anyways, here's my thought on calories and fats. And I'm going to tell you what I thought of these, I tried them in my story so if you follow us and you follow me on Instagram, or you just check out the stories on Keto Mom, we tried two of them we shared with you what we thought of them. I'll just talk about this first, I actually was impressed I would say of course you pay for them. Some people go, "Oh you just paid $2.50". I know, price aside I had to because I actually wanted to know what they (Birch Benders Cookie a la cup) tasted like. I would say this, my girls all four of us and me all shared one and I would have been just fine. The cake and the brownie were actually good, I have not tried these (Birch Benders Cookie a la cup). I like their pancake mix, I guess if you want something to go. Here's what I want to talk to you about snacks in general and calories and just over consuming fat, oftentimes people do this...

Don't eat cause your bored

Let me know if you've ever done this before, let's say you're at a party or let's say you're at the office, let's say that you're bored, you're watching a movie whatever the case may be, let's say it's not mealtime and you're not hungry.

Have you ever found yourself in a position or a thought where you're like, "Oh that's Keto I can eat it".

Have you ever been bored walking through your kitchen, especially over this last year and you've got stuff on your counters, and you're like, "Oh that's fine, that's Keto I can eat it", "Oh I'm bored, I'm gonna grab a handful of nuts". "Oh, I'm gonna hang around I'm just cooking dinner, maybe I'll munch on one of these". So if I were to make this right now, and I'm not hungry, do you think I need it? Here's the biggest thing that I think people get slipped up on, I truly believe people overeat even good food. So it's not like you have to sit and count calories, it's not like I'm going to say "Okay you're starting the Keto journey, you can have X amount of calories". I really like to coach people in the fact of going, "Are you hungry, are you bored, are you eating out of emotions, are you eating because it's meal time and you actually need some fuel?". Food is fuel, so the only reason I tell people to watch their calories is because if you were to just see this sitting on your counter and you're like, "Oh this would be a great snack. It's almost supper time I'm cooking, I'd love to have a snack".

Yes! You can overeat good food

But you're not hungry, you're still gonna eat almost two hundred calories right? Or let's just say this, you're just eating food that your body really probably doesn't need because it's not hungry. So I'll give you another example, if you're strict Keto, meaning you're eating 80% fat under 20 carbs a day... Let me ask you this, for those of you who are on here, are you low carb or are you lazy keto? Or are you just eating healthy? Some of you actually on here are paleo, some people are whole thirty. Right now everybody here is Keto and everybody has a different version of Keto.

So I would love to know what you consider yourself, maybe you're just starting and you have no idea. But what I want to tell you is this, "Don't label yourself Keto and then still consume fifty or sixty carbs a day". I want to explain this the best that I can, if you were eating low carb or lazy keto that's great. You're eating better foods, you're making better choices, you're drinking more water, you're choosing this instead of a bag full of chick fil a cookies. Whatever that is you're choosing better, Congratulations! That's incredible, but I don't want you to go "I can eat that, I can eat that fat bomb it's fine". "Oh, I can eat that whole avocado it's fine". If you are not under 20 carbs a day you don't need to be consuming eighty percent fat in your food choices.

There are more calories in a fat gram, so it's not that you're eating bad food you're just eating too much, your body just doesn't need as much food.

I hope this is making sense, so I'll give you an example... The difference between lazy Keto or low carb and strict Keto, a strict Keto diet is honestly eighty percent fat about five percent carbs, you're under twenty carbs a day, you're eating such low carb that the fats are sustaining you all day.

I make better choices in food

A lazy Keto, low carb that's what I would be, I'm not counting my food, I might go I had eggs and sausage for breakfast or maybe I intermittent fasted. Maybe I calculated, maybe I had some Keto bread and that's six carbs a day, maybe I just kind of calculate in my head. Maybe I had a keto bar, maybe that was like ten carbs I don't know.

Maybe in my head I just count, I took the buns off the burgers, the croutons off the salad, I'm drinking more water. I had this for a snack instead of a Snickers bar, I'm choosing better. You're consciously getting rid of the bread, the croutons, the pasta and you're choosing better.

That would be more of a lazy Keto or some people say dirty Keto, which I don't like to say. So I just want you to know, if you were doing it that way that's completely fine. That is stress less, sometimes eating a strict Keto diet can be stressful. Everybody is different, but the number one thing I hope the point that I can get across is this, "Don't go dive into your freezer eating fat bombs all day long". Don't feel like you need to eat or over consume butter and bacon and cheese and avocados if you are not super low Keto.

You can have some of it for sure, but you're not going to go eat it whenever you want to. I often find people go "That's fine I can eat it, It's Keto". "Oh we're at the office and I already ate lunch, but I walk in about 30 minutes later there's a cheese in a meat tray I'll eat it. It's fine, it's Keto". Sitting on the couch, done with dinner not hungry, "But I'm bored I'll just go grab a fat bomb, it's fine it's Keto". So does this make sense? I just don't want you to feel like you don't just go grab food to grab food. And the sooner you can understand that and pay attention to how your body is feeling...

Are you hungry or are you not? Are you thirsty, do you need more water? Do you need to go brush your teeth and get out of the kitchen. Like if you can consciously make those decisions and create a healthy viewpoints or a healthy relationship with food, than instead having that dessert.

I think if you bring this to a party that you're going to because you maybe really focused and you'd like to enjoy something with your friends but don't want to eat the cake at the birthday party. Throw this in your purse, throw this in your bag, this is a better option. Whatever the case may be, if you're going somewhere, you're having people over, your kids are munching on a daily bar and you're like "I would like to enjoy myself with my family". These (Birch Benders Cookie a la cup) are treated as a snack, I don't think these need to be an everyday treat, I hope that makes sense.

So I wanted to hop on here and just answer that question because that question comes in almost every single day. Do I have to pay attention to calories? Because people are talking about this, you can over consume fat. So don't over consume food, the number one question I tell people when you're going to have lunch or a snack or supper is just ask yourself "Am I hungry?" That's it, and after supper time here's the last little tip for you... I'm making chili by the way and I'm super excited, if you didn't know how I made it I shared in the beginning of the video.

Follow the simple tips to avoid overeating
But the number one tip I would say at nighttime is when you are all done with supper, the kitchen has picked up, shut out the lights, the kitchen is closed. You don't need to go grab the fat bombs out of the freezer, go brush your teeth. Go brush your teeth or go grab a stick of gum or a mint.

Because as soon as you brush your teeth it is a huge it's a mind shift, go floss, brush your teeth, scrape your tongue use mouthwash you will be so shocked on how your sweet tooth will go away. Then you'll go sit with your family, you'll go do whatever you want in the evenings and you're not going to crave those foods. Grab your water bottle, stay focused, this isn't about perfection. These are just some simple tips to help you on your journey. So that's all I have for you, I believe I wanted to share these, which they're not terrible. They're actually pretty good ingredients, if you're going to a party, not an everyday thing. We're having chili, here's the sauce that I'm using super simple, it's super meaty, and delicious. What are you having for dinner and that's all I've got for you. So I hope you guys have an incredible night, if you press the share button, make sure you let me know... Press the share button and press share below so your name can go into a drawing for my next 24 hour fast.

Otherwise, I hope you have an incredible day and we'll talk to you soon

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