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Quick Keto Q and A - Net Carbs vs Total Carbs |Common Keto Mistakes | Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Keto Mom here!

I will be answering some questions I get every single day I've already gotten many times today. Pay attention to inches lost, how are your clothes fitting. Can you move more at the gym, can you walk further, are you not sleepy. Like how are you feeling? That is progress, this isn't a quick fix, right? it is a process. No matter if you're super strict, low carb lazy keto. It is a process consists of taking action, making the best choices possible, and sticking with it. The only way you fail is if you quit.

Common Questions answered by Keto Mom

00:29 How to calculate Net carbs and Total carbs

00:33 The trick is to "FLIP"

00:49 Everybody's different (Net Carb vs Total Carb)

01:24 Common Keto Mistakes

01:26 Overeating

02:06 Do not depend on the scale

02:37 Drink more water and electrolytes

02:55 Samples of electrolytes

03:14 Do not COMPARE

03:24 The power of sleep and stress

03:49 You are in Control

Full Episode Transcript

All right! It's Q & A time, because I'm sitting in the parking lot, while my daughter is in ballet. So number one question I get every single day I've already gotten many times today is

"How do I calculate net carbs and total carbs?"
"What's the difference?"

I'm going to show you a visual, but just think about this, flip whatever you're eating over. Look at the total carbs, you can subtract fiber and sugar alcohol, which gives you a net carb.

"the trick is to FLIP and read the back"

"Why would you want to do a net carb versus a total carb?" Everybody's different, if somebody is looking to lose fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty pounds... A lot of people go "I have to lose 100 pounds". You're going to be a little bit more strict than somebody who is looking to tone up ten to fifteen pounds. It really just depends on not how quick you want to go, but how strict do you want to be. Do you want to be more of a lifestyle that eases into it? Or do you want to dive headfirst into a total super strict Keto diet? Everybody's a little different.

I'm going to show you a visual of some common mistakes.

But I honestly feel like the number one mistake made in any lifestyle or diet, especially Keto is "Overeating".

"Something we must always remember"

And what happens is people go, "Oh! I can eat fat bombs and bacon and butter and more fat bombs and cheese and I can eat whatever I want". So what happens is they go, "Oh! that says Keto, I can eat it". If they're at the office they want to munch they go, "Oh! it's fine. It's a keto snack, it's not a big deal. I'm not hungry, but I'll eat the pound of bacon or I'll have another cheese stick. Or maybe I'm out and about with friends and I'm like, I kind of want a Munch". You can still over eat good food. If you are not hungry, you do not need to eat. Another common mistake "Do not depend on just the scale". Pay attention to inches lost, how are your clothes fitting. Can you move more at the gym, can you walk further, are you not sleepy. Like how are you feeling? That is progress, this isn't a quick fix, right? it is a process. No matter if you're super strict, low carb lazy keto.

"It is a process consistency of taking action, making the best choices possible and sticking with it. The only way you fail is if you quit".

Another common mistake, you don't... well, people don't drink enough water. So if you get lightheaded or you're not feeling quite on, make sure you're drinking about half your body weight in ounces of water and electrolytes. When your body's in ketosis, it's flushing out your electrolytes, you need to replenish them. So water and electrolytes are super important. Some super simple electrolytes... Pickle juice, put some Himalayan salt in your water. I actually take an actual electrolyte from our company that tastes incredible. It comes in a packet, I put it in my water. However you're going to do it, get your electrolytes in. You'll feel much better. Okay? Couple more.

Do not compare your journey to somebody else's. "This is not a one size fits all, everybody's different".

"We are all made differently"

Pay attention to how your body's feeling. When are you hungry. Do not underestimate the power of sleep and stress. If you are not getting enough sleep, if your body is stressed out, if you are stressed out it will either cause you to eat out of emotions, to eat out of just stressful situations. Or your body's gonna hold on to everything that you have because it's stressed out.

Lastly, remember you are in control of everything that you eat.

So take five seconds before you eat and ask yourself "Am I hungry? Am I bored? Am I emotional? And is this the best choice that I'm making? Is this the best choice possible?" Take the buns off the burger, the croutons off the salad, grab a lettuce wrap, grab some more veggies, get rid of the pasta, potatoes and rice, drink more water.

Remember it's a process and I'm here to help. You can always message me with your questions.

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