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The Right Thinking produces Right Speaking, Believing, & Receiving | Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Keto Mom here!

"Don't mess up good for perfect, and let's start today". If your goal is to get healthier, start today. If your goal is to work out or move your body start today. I'm not going to wait till January to start dreaming again. There's no reason for that, because we've got today and you have today. I would also encourage you to be aware, to have perspective, and to be thankful. The "Right Thinking produces Right Speaking, which produces Right Believing, which produces Right Receiving". Because what you think becomes what you speak. What you speak, becomes what you believe and what you believe becomes what you receive.

Points to Ponder:

00:49 Right Thinking produces right Speaking

02:44 What are you thankful for?

03:49 Questions about Homeschooling

04:28 We are going to Dream

05:04 Don't mess up Good for Perfect

05:38 I want to Start with Gratitude

06:20 Perspective and Thankfulness

07:24 A heart of Gratefulness

09:19 Your Words are Powerful

10:39 For Whatever a Man sows, he will also Reap

11:17 What you think Becomes what you Speak

12:52 My Hope is to Encourage you

13:14 Every single day, you make Choices

14:10 You can Control what's in your Life

14:39 Create some Vision Boards

Full Episode Transcript

Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie and we are going to dive into the morning. I want to encourage you and my hope is to inspire you. My hope is to help you dream and help you on your journey. A lot of you are on a Keto journey. But my hope is to help get your thinking on point, so that you can make the best decisions possible throughout your entire day. To create a lifestyle of positive thinking and positive actions, which will ultimately create hopefully the body that you want and to be able to feel better.

Dream it, Pin it, Live it by Terri Savelle Foy
So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? I labeled this "Right Thinking produces right Speaking, which produces right Believing, which produces right Receiving"...

What does that mean? If you're brand new, we, since May have been going through books. We've been going through books, reading and taking action together every single morning. For the last couple weeks, we've just been doing a little bit of traveling and different things. So we ended the book in mid August and we're diving into a new book in September. It's called Dream it, Pin it, Live it by Terri Savelle Foy. We'll start this book here, in two days, we'll start September 1st. So as we're going through this book, I'll be doing a live every single morning and I'll be going through a couple pages. And at the end of the book, my hope is to help you as you're learning to dream, as you're learning how to take ownership of your life.

My hope is that you will create your own vision board, or you'll watch other people do it. Whether you just want to watch or participate, but my encouragement to you is participate.

If you have the book, awesome! If we go through this book in twenty five days, so a good amount of September, we'll be able to create the boards at the end. We're going to read six pages a day for this month. I'll come on here, I'll do a live, ask you questions, get you to think and then you can create a board. You can tune in every single day or you can choose to read the book and tune in. However you want to do it, but for today, I want to encourage you in a couple things. I'm going to read you just a little bit of the morning, but I want to start off with gratitude. What are you thankful for going into this new season? Meaning... We have four daughters, we homeschool by choice and we start school today. I'm not sure if your kids have started in school. I'd love to know, do you homeschool, do your kids go to school and have you started?

Let's start our day with a heart of Gratitude

We're in a new season, as much as I hate to say it, but Summer is done. The weather is still warm, we're in Minnesota so the nights get cool. Where are you tuning in from by the way? Do you feel like you've turned a corner and is the season new?... We've already got leaves falling, we have been in more of a drought, so there has not been a lot of rain. We are honestly seeing the fall season, it looks like fall, It feels like fall and it's just a new season. And I'm excited for a routine, my kids are excited for a routine, and we'll see how today goes. If you have questions at all about homeschooling, ask me.

I am here to encourage you on keto tips and tricks, how to get healthier, how to feel stronger and a lot of it is mindset.

Some of you might not love that, but it seriously is. And there's lots of things that I'm excited about. I love to talk about marriage, finances, business, parenting and homeschooling. I share a lot of different things about our life on my stories. So whether you're on Instagram or Facebook, you can just click through the stories and if you've got questions, let me know I'd love to answer those for you.

And so as we go into this new season, we are going to dream. What does that mean?

This is something that a lot of people do in the beginning of the year. I don't want to wait till January to help people re dream or to remind them of what they're excited about or maybe just get back on track. There's no reason to wait. Just like your health journey... Today, if you're watching, it's the beginning of a week. You can start today, some of you might go I'm starting September 1st, I'm going to wait till after the wedding. I'm going to wait until after the vacation, but my encouragement to you is "Don't mess up good for perfect, and let's start today". If your goal is to get healthier, start today. If your goal is to work out or move your body start today. Go for a walk, drink more water, get rid of the donuts, eat less sugar, the simple things. And we're going to start today, now! I'm not going to wait till January to recreate my vision board. I'm not going to wait till January to start dreaming again. There's no reason for that, because we've got today and you have today. You don't even know if you'll have tomorrow. So every day, I want to start with gratitude. We're doing that with our girls with school, we've got a couple things that we're doing.

Always be Thankful for what you have

We're starting with thankfulness, "What are you thankful for?"... I'm going to tell you right now, in the world that we're living in, in this uncertainty I am thankful for... I live in the United States, some of you don't. Some of you follow us that live in different countries. There is a lot of stuff going on, I don't get political on here and there's a lot of you that ask me private questions. I'm very well aware of what's going on in the world. I'm very well aware of what's going on in other countries like in Afghanistan. And so I told our kids, we have to have perspective and thankfulness.

Thankful for where we live in, thankful for our freedom, and I am thankful that I can homeschool.

What are you thankful for? If you don't usually make this a routine in your mornings, my encouragement to you is, before you get up, before you scroll on social media, before you start comparing, before you get in a mindset of "I can't", "Not me", "I wish"... I want you to be thankful, I want you to share below. What is one thing you're thankful for... I'm not going to start anything else until somebody shares with me something that they are thankful for. I'm thankful for my dogs, I'm really not an animal person, but I work on being an animal person. Probably because I feel like I have so many other things to take care of. Awesome! Somebody said "My family". Yes! "My freedom". Yes! I love it. A heart of gratefulness will get you through a lot. And so there's a lot of things I would love to share on here, but sometimes social media isn't the platform to share. So I talked to my kids a lot about what's going on in the world, I would encourage you to be aware, to have perspective, and to be thankful. So with that, the title of this is "Right Thinking produces Right Speaking, which produces Right Believing, which produces Right Receiving". If you have followed me for any point in time, you would know that I, one hundred percent believe that if you're going on a keto journey and your goal is to start healthier habits, or to get healthier and stronger.

I'm going to ask you "What are you speaking of your life?"... What are you believing and the power of your words. So in that one little phrase, "Right, Thinking"... What are you putting into your mind and what does that look like? Who do you watch? What do you listen to? What do you read? Because it starts right here, with your mindset.
Your Words have Power, always be aware of what you say

If you get up in the morning, and you're not thankful, and you dive into comparison because you start scrolling, and maybe you watch the news. I think the news brings awareness, but it depends on what you're watching, to give you perspective. But "Right Thinking", which is why we read every single day, which is why I'm going to do a live every single morning to encourage you, this will produce "Right Speaking". Your words are powerful.

Something that we're focusing on in our home and with homeschooling this year, is I have a board and our calendar, and we are going to be memorizing a verse together as a family. We are focusing on things like thankfulness. We're going to be hope dealers, bringing hope to the world and people around us. We're focusing on our words and the seeds that we're planting. So whether you take it from a worldly aspect or a biblical, but we are believers. So if you don't like it, you can unfollow me, but I talk about the power of your words. What you speak, is really what you're going to see...

Either you're going to plant seeds of doubt, or you're going to plant seeds of hope. You're going to plant seeds of truth, or you're going to plant seeds of trash.

If you think of it as a worldly point of view, some people would say "You reap what you sow". Or some people say, "That's just karma". I would say, in Galatians 6:7, which is the verse that our family is going to be working on this week, we do a verse every week. It says, "Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, he will also reap"... I would encourage you to memorize that with us. So you can say "You reap what you sow", you could also say "That's just karma, it's going to come back to get you". Or you can say, "What a man sows, he will reap"... What does this have to do with your fat loss journey? What does this have to do with your keto recipes? What does this have to do with fat loss and getting healthy? It has a lot to do with it. Because what you think becomes what you speak. What you speak, becomes what you believe and what you believe becomes what you receive.

What you think, comes out of your mouth

What you think and what you put in your mind... Are you reading, are you listening to people that encourage you? Are you listening to positive music? What are you putting in your mind? Because what you do comes out, and what comes out becomes what you believe. Do you believe that you're fat, or ugly or not worthy, or you can't do this?...

I would encourage you that if you're speaking that trash over your life, I want you to look at the things you're speaking and what you're believing, because that's what you're going to receive.

And if you're looking at the fruit in your life, and you're not seeing the things that you want, then we're going to back up. We're going to take ownership of your mindset, and we're going to take ownership of the words that come out of your mouth. And you're going to see the fruit of losing the weight, feeling stronger, and feeling like you can encourage not only yourself but your family. And that all starts with what you're putting in your mind. So we've been reading books for the last three or four months, my encouragement to you is to tune in here every single day. You can grab the book and join us. If you go to, you can grab her book. Or just tune in here, and I will go over the book, I will I will not read it to you word per word. But I'll give you the basic understanding of what we're talking about, and you can join us. You can read the book with us, or you can just tune in here every single day.

Otherwise, my hope is to encourage you, to inspire you, to help you believe that you are worth it, you are worthy, you are strong and you can do this. It's all up in your mind, and it's all the choices that you make every single day.

You don't have to have a to do list, I mean you can and I think it's great. Every single day, you make choices to get up, or hit the snooze. You make choices to drink the sugary stuff, or to drink more water. You make choices to simply take the buns off the burgers, the croutons off the salad, to grab a better choice for lunch. You make the decision to go through drive thru or not. You make the decision to yell at your spouse or not, to yell at your kids or not. To encourage your family to be thankful or not. You make the decision, it's all about choices. So I'm here to tell you that you are worthy, you are strong, and you can do this. It is every single day, a choice to get up, work on yourself and work on your family. Today, you're going to be thankful, and we are going to have perspective. There's a lot going on, and you can control what's in your life. You can control your environment, the words that come out of your mouth, and the people that you surround yourself with. The things that you put in your mind are the things that you put in your mouth.

Everything starts with the choices we make every single day
So with that, grab the book, and we'll be starting this in two days. One thing I did want to read to you before you go, "You will never leave where you are until you see where you'd rather be"...

We're going to start seeing it because we're going to create some vision boards and we're going to start dreaming. Some of you might go "A vision board?". A vision board is not just the things you hope to have, like homes and houses, watches and shoes, whatever that may be. A vision board is a vision for your life. Where do you want to be in the next six months, with your health. Really what she's going to do is twelve to eighteen months, where do you want to be in your health, finances and your relationships. All of those things, because we're going to create it, we're going to dream it, and we're going to say "This is what I want". We're going to write it down and we're going to put it in front of you so that you can go after that. So, I hope you guys have an incredible day. Know that I am thankful for you and I'm thankful for this page. You can always send me messages, ask questions. I'm here to help.

I hope you have a good morning and we'll talk to you soon.

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