Keto Mom here!
"One of the main weaknesses of mankind is the average man's familiarity with the word impossible. He knows all of the rules which will not work. He knows all the things that cannot be done. This book is written for those who seek the rules which have made others successful, and are willing to stake everything on those rules. Success comes to those who become Success Conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become Failure Conscious" ~Napoleon Hill
Points to Ponder:
01:43 Reading is Powerful
02:34 50 Cent Lesson in Persistence
04:11 Following Successful People in Social Media
05:30 Story of the 50 Cents
06:53 The Understanding of Determination
07:43 It's About Mindset
08:28 Riches Can Mean Relationships
08:56 The Word "IMPOSSIBLE"
09:40 Success or Failure Conscious
10:43 Henry Ford and the V8 motor
11:43 Desire: Knowing What You Want
13:37 Your Mind is a Magnet
13:47 R.A.S, Reticular Activating System
15:19 Chapter Two: Desire
Full Episode Transcript:
Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie. I just got done working out and just got done reading. Good morning, how are you? Did you wake up in a frenzy? Did you wake up and kind of hit the ground running? or Did you wake up and owned your morning? Either way, it's great! Usually, I get up and I go work out. I read and I get ready to talk to you. Today, I added in a little bit of cardio. If you know me, or if you've been listening to me at all, I love to lift weights. But I don't love cardio, so I'm working on it. I did ab workout this morning. I did! And so we are diving in this book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. We've only talked twice on it so far.

Usually I don't come on Sundays. Our Sundays are, we go to church and we usually have friends or family over and we just relax. So I will not be doing lives on Sunday. But this weekend, Friday and Saturday, I went to a women's conference with my mom. So we've only gotten through a couple pages, and if you haven't started, it's okay. If you're just tuning in here, I'm going to give you the basic overview.
My hope every morning is to make you think, help you with your mindset and to help you on your journey. Because if you can get your mindset right, then hopefully you can get this right. Meaning the food that goes in your mouth, helping you on your fat loss journey and just your overall health.
Why do we read? Because I think it's powerful. Why do we read? Because it helps your mindset and sets you on a forward motion towards your goals. Whether you agree or not, I just truly believe it's important... Anyways I feel like you can't see my face. It's so dark out today, there's no sun. I'm tuning in from Minnesota and it's super foggy. There's like a pretty good fog over our lake.
Where are you tuning in from and how is your morning? We're diving through "Think and Grow Rich"... We're going to go through this book slowly, because it's not a quick and easy read, like some of the books that we've gone through. So I'm going to start on page 24. It's the fifth page from chapter one. It's labeled the "50 Cent Lesson in Persistence". He tells a lot of stories, and the overview of this book is Napoleon Hill goes and analyzed more than 25,000 people. And he wanted to know, how the wealthiest men in the world become that way? What were their principles, what was their character and what did they do?... You might be asking "Why are we talking about wealth and riches?" Because he'll talk about this later in the book. There's 13 Principles that he learned in 25 years of research. In the 25 years of research and studying super successful men or studying 25,000 successful people, later on he said at least 500 of the most successful people in the world. What were the principles in life that they followed?

And you might be saying "What does this have to do with our health?" Everything! Because when you look at somebody's success in life, let's say Instagram, social media or Facebook. When you follow people on social media, you usually follow people that have a lot of followers. You usually follow people with the blue check, and usually ask "What did they do to get that success?"...
Whether it's real or not. Right now, I'm just talking about you following the successful people, as far as you know. And if you look at somebody that has success in their life, maybe you go "Oh my goodness, they are an incredible speaker", or "Wow! They're very wealthy", "What did they do to obtain it?", "Wow! They're super healthy? What did they do to obtain it?"... And all these people, whatever success they have in their life, they've got to have some pretty basic understanding or a line of principles that I bet you they all follow... So what he did was he put together the book after 25 years of research and said "Here's the 13 Principles that I found across the board. Whatever success these people were having, I want to share with you"...
So I want you to tune in, because you might hear "Riches" a lot in this book. But later on as he keeps going, he's going to give you these principles that you can apply anywhere in your life. He tells a simple story of "50 Cents", and we're going to start there. It would have been back during the Civil War or even before the Civil War. It would have been back when there were slaves. He talks about a man... So he had a little girl, it doesn't say how old she was, but it says she was the child of a tenant. She walks in and she might have said "Master". She asked for the 50 cents that the man owed her mother. And he kind of yells at the kid and tells her to get out. The little girl didn't move, and he went to go at her. But the little girl didn't move, and instead she screamed at the top of her lungs in a shrilled voice, "My mama got to have that 50 cents". She wasn't afraid, she stood there in determination to get the 50 cents that the man owed her mom.

He tells the story, because in those days that would never happen, it should never happen. She should have been punished for it. And he said, I learned a lesson that day. What made that man stop and give that little girl her 50 cents...
So he talks about the understanding of determination. He talks about when you have the desire to get something, if you stand your ground, you're going to get it.
There's so many stories, that's why it's powerful to have the book. I can't tell you all of it. Here's the deal, we're going to go over 13 Principles, but remember this as you read, "The answer that you may be seeking to the questions which have caused you to ponder over the strangeness of life, may be found in your own mind. Through some idea, plan, purpose, which may spring into your mind as you read this book"...
He says when you begin to Think and Grow Rich... I'm going to tell you something, one of the key words in all of the books that we're reading, and the things that I'm sharing with you is to "Think". It's about mindset, you're not going to get away from it. If your goal is to get healthy, we're going to work on your mindset. If your goal is to run a marathon, you're going to have to work on your mindset. To get stronger, mindset. To be a better mom, mindset. To be a better husband or wife, mindset. To be a better boss or an employee, mindset. It all comes down to what you're thinking and you might be say "Ugh! More mindset". Yes! All right! He says "Beginning with a state of mind with a definition of purpose. With little or no hard work, you will and every other person ought to be interested in knowing how to acquire that state of mind, which attracts riches"...

And riches can be a richness in your relationships, in your finances, in your life, or in your parenting. It doesn't have to mean money, but some of it can be. He says "I spent 25 years in research analyzing more than 25,000 people. I am going to tell you how the wealthiest men became that way". And a lot of it starts in their mind... So he begins to tell you more stories.
He says "One of the main weaknesses of mankind is the average man's familiarity with the word impossible. He knows all of the rules which will not work. He knows all the things that cannot be done. This book is written for those who seek the rules which have made others successful, and are willing to stake everything on those rules"...
We know it's easy to say "That's impossible", "I'll never lose the hundred pounds", "I'll never run that marathon", "I'll never be strong", "I'll never be the way I was when I was younger"... He got a dictionary and he said that when he started out his 25 years of research, he ripped out the word impossible. He's like "I don't believe that. I believe we can do what we want to achieve with these 13 principles". He says "Success comes to those who become Success Conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become Failure Conscious".
If you want success, you're going to get what you see. You're going to get what you believe. Positive or negative, Success or failures. If you believe that you can't do it, then you can't. If you believe that you can do it, with the determination, consistency and with actions, eventually you'll get to where you want to go. But you can't give up, and it could take you 25 years. Are you willing to put in one year of work to get the health that you want? Some of you are like "No, I won't", "This is my fourth diet and it's not working", "It's impossible"... Well, you're right. You're right! Because that's what you believe. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Okay! He tells a great story of Henry Ford. He talks about how the V8 motor was created, and it took him years to create something. And all the inventors, all the people that worked for him in his factory, or the people that created the V8 motor, they kept saying it's not possible.
Henry Ford goes "Yes it is! Keep going! I don't care how much money it costs you. I don't care how long you work on this, you will create it". He goes "I see it. I believe it and It can be done"... Henry Ford said "Stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time it requires". And eventually as you know today, we have a V8 motor.
He said "What caused Henry Ford to keep on something no matter the cost, no matter the time?"... He said "The Ford determination had won once more. Henry Ford is a success because he understood and applied the principles of success. Of these is desire, knowing what you want. If you do not have the desire and if you do not know what you want, how in the world can you go after it?"... Like what are you going after? If you just want to get healthy? What does that mean? Do you have the desire to put it in? Do you have the desire to get healthy no matter what? It's a "No Matter What"....
"Remember this Ford story as you read and pick out the lines, which is the secret of his stupendous achievements have been described. And all he did was he had a determination, a no matter what, and a desire"... I'm going to make a V8 motor. It can't be done. Yes it can! No, it can't!... A year later. We can't do it! Yes you can, keep going, keep going... It was a sheer determination and desire that it will be done, without an expectation of years, time and money. All right! I'm going to wrap up. I wanted to get you to chapter two. There's more stories, he tells another story of a poet, he talks about desire and more desire.

He talks about the brain, he says "The poet should have talked about that our brains are like magnets, with dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds. And by means with which no man is familiar. These magnets attract to us the forces that people and circumstances of life, which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts"...
I'm going to tell you, this is written a little bit old fashioned. It's kind of reading an older book. That's why we can't rush through it, because I'm that's not how I would say something... "Your mind is a magnet". Are you thinking negative thoughts, positive thoughts. Belief or disbelief. You're going to attract what you're thinking about. I've talked about this in the last video, it's it's like your R.A.S, Reticular Activating System. When you buy something that you thought nobody had, like a car. When you buy, you feel like nobody has this SUV. I'm the only one in my town and as soon as you drive off the lot, you see him all over the place. That's because your R.A.S, Reticular Activating System was set up. It's with anything, Like I had this outfit, I had these pair of jeans, I have the shoes and everybody has them.
You're going to attract things with your mindset, and what you're looking for. Negative or positive? Your mindset is a magnet. And so if you're constantly griping, complaining and like "I never will", "I wish I would have been", "Never me, it's impossible"... Then that's what you're going to get. So, stop it, stop it. Alright! He talks about studying more people and he just simply says this "We are going to dive into the 13 Principles of what it takes to be successful in any area of your life"... Again, it's an older read, but a really great read. So if you want to listen to it, and just tune in here, it's a really great audible. Because his voice is funny, and it's an older sounding voice. But I feel like with this book, I have to listen to it and read it. It just hits my brain differently... We're going to start chapter two tomorrow. So go through it, and read the stories.

"Chapter Two is about desire. The starting point of all achievement, the first step towards riches in any area of your life is Desire"... Do you really desire to be healthy? Do you really desire to have a certain look, weight, strength gain or achievement in a certain area of your health and fitness? Do you desire it? Because if you don't, why are you here?...
So we're going to start on that tomorrow! We went through a little bit more than five pages, I'm not going to lie. I do get a little overwhelmed with this book, just because of the way it's written. And even the way that they have the words all scrunched together. It's easy to go through some books, browse through them and just take away a really quick nugget and then keep going. But I feel this book is great. I've read it before and I remember loving it. I want to go back through it, so I'm going to stick with it. Not because it's easy, but because I know it's a really good book. So continue to tune in and we're going to talk about desire tomorrow. I hope I said something just to make you spur on one thought, to give you a positive mindset today.
And if all of this is, you better watch your words and not say "That's impossible", "That's not me", "I'm too fat", "I'm ugly" and "I'm never going to"... If all you do is shut your mouth and be very aware of what you're speaking over yourself. Because what's in your mind comes out in your mouth. Stop! You are worthy! You can do this! We're going to help shift your mindset and you're going to have to tune in. You're going to have to learn from others and you're going to have to work on it. Nothing just comes. You have to put in the work. So I hope you have an incredible Monday. Continue to tune in for all of the Keto things on the page. Reach out with any questions you have, and I'm always here to help. So I hope you have an incredible morning and we'll talk to you soon.
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