Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie Mielke. I want to give you some tips and tricks on what an average day can and should look like, as you're diving into being healthier and stronger.
I want to talk to you a little bit about a life lesson...
It would be so interesting to know how many people have had one of those days where it didn't go the way that they wanted it to. Since the day hasn't gone the way that they wanted, most people either quit and restart tomorrow, or get super frustrated. This is what most people go through.
You might have days where you feel like you messed up... Just like today, I could say I already messed up. I did. We have guests in our home, my sister and her family are here and we've been having a great time. We have been partying from Thursday until Wednesday, and so we've been up late. Our days aren't going as 100% as I thought.
Here, we talk about life lessons and mindset. So, since we stayed up till like one o'clock in the morning, I'm going to tell you where my mind was when I got up. I didn't have enough time to talk about the new book, I actually didn't do a lot of my mindfulness this morning. I walked myself through being thankful, and grateful, and listened to something because I was getting ready for CrossFit.

Something I think that's super important, as you're diving into a new year, new day, new month, new goals, and big aspirations for this year is having something called A.Q.
I want to talk about our life lessons because that's what's going to help you not quit. It's going to help you when you have those days that are not going your way... There has to be some adaptability in your life for you to keep going and keep pushing forward.
We had to be adaptable all week, and it's been great. We love our family, we have great conversations about life, and we're staying up late till one o'clock in the morning.
All I want you to know is, "The only way you're going to fail this year in anything that you're going after, is if you quit"...
I got up this morning, even if it didn't go exactly the way I planned. But we still went to the gym, we made everybody a great breakfast, we had some great conversations, and I went through my book. But I could have also easily gotten frustrated and not read it.
Sometimes you might just want to throw your hands up in the air, restart tomorrow, and then spiral out of control for the rest of the day. Whether it's your attitude, things you choose to eat, or skipping a workout. I want you to know that there has to be some kind of adaptability on this journey, and that's a life lesson. We've also talked about awareness, EQ, or controlling your emotions. We've talked about the power of your words, and understanding adaptability or A.Q.
If you're somebody who loses it, gets frustrated, or angry, or throws your hands up in the air if the day doesn't go your way, then that means you have a low adaptability quotient (AQ). I can actually say that our family has a really high AQ level. I actually did not feel like I started the year off how I intended to start it, but that's okay. It's okay to be like this.
It's like the game of life and how well you can handle it. When things happen and you did not plan for them to happen, it's okay. You can make some rearranging, you can choose your attitude.
The only way You fail is if You quit!
We actually made a funny YouTube short about telling people what to do. A lot of people have been messaging me "Just tell me what to do", "Tell me what you want to do", or "How do I lose the weight?", "How do I get healthy?"...
And so we posted one video on Youtube, and all I was doing was giving very directive actions...
"Don't eat this".
"You don't need to snack all day".
And I have never seen more hateful comments in my life over one directive post. It's so interesting how another life lesson that we talked about last week was not being offended. It's so funny how people will say "Tell me what to do!", and when you tell them what to do, they get so mad!
It was so funny because we teetered on this, "Do we take the video down?"... Wow! People are really offended that I'm telling them not to snack.
"Who are you to tell me not to snack?"
I mean you're on my page! It's called Keto Mom, clearly, you want to lose some weight. You're going to have people in your life that are going to throw something at you or give you some negative feedback. But we eventually decided to delete the video because of the amount of hate and that could have wrecked my day.
So I said, "Delete the video! I actually don't care if they want to know who I am, they can come and figure me out. They can come and ask questions and realize that I really do want to help and coach them".
If you want directive coaching, then tell me what to do, if your feelings get hurt easily. I can go easy on you. But you're going to have to be quite adaptable because it's not going to always go your way, but it's okay.
I want you to have this concept in your mind because the mindset is super important...
"I just can't quit"
"I just can't quit".

We're coaching people on intermittent fasting, and my husband and I have been way more intentional with intermittent fasting. If you want to lose weight and feel better, follow this process. I've never felt better in my life.
So I'm using an intermittent fasting kit that gets me up in the morning with my ketones. I drank my electrolytes, water, and protein right before I went to the gym. I felt amazing, came home, and made some breakfast for everybody. I intermittent fast and I ate after I was done with my morning. If your goal is to feel better, intermittent fasting is key.
I'm also going to talk about low-carb meals, eating lunch, dinner, and a snack. Don't overcomplicate this, some of you are paleo, or whole 30. Drink your water, your water is important. What are you drinking? sugar, water, energy drinks? I drink Ketones, I use ketones as fuel and that's honestly why I'm here today.
Seven and a half years later, I actually don't think that I could have stuck with the Keto Mom page, the recipes, or the diet in itself. I probably would have quit. When I started with ketones, I learned how to make better choices and really implemented the power of mindset. I learned how to intermittently fast, keep a water bottle with me at all times, and drink more water.
When I joined a gym, I learned the power of community and accountability. I learned simple things like not eating when I'm not hungry or when I'm emotional. I learned things like I actually need something to give me the energy to keep me fueled up for the day.
I'm a mom, of four girls and we homeschool, so I need my brain operating at an optimal level as long as my body, so can be the best version of myself for my husband and my kids. And I probably would not be here physically on social media sharing, if I did have the tools to help me along the way.
There are things that can help you make this a simple process. So if you want to know more about the intermittent fasting kit, just message me and I'll share it with you. If you want to know what drinking ketones mean and what that looks like, just message me and we'll chat.
Are you getting your steps on?
Are you going into CrossFit?
Are you doing some yoga?
What is it that works for you?
You're going to have to be adaptable and be okay with your day not looking how you exactly want it. Implement adaptability, work on EQ, and have an awareness of why you do things that you do.
Two powerful things that will change your life forever, are reading good books and working on your mindset. Surround yourself with good people and your life will look different in one year. I'm not even talking about eating food or drinking ketones, which I think are also life-changing.
The books you're reading, what you're putting in your mind, and the people you are with, will change your life forever, good or bad. If you don't do any of it, the likelihood of you being the same person you are today is probably likely or worse.
This is not meant to be easy, but it's a very simple process done consistently over time that will change your life.
"Your Divine Fingerprint" by Pastor Keith Craft

Your defining moments...
"Defining moments, we all have them. What's important is not the actual moment, it's how you react or respond to the moment that really matters. By our own choice or not, a defining moment is an occurrence, a situation a catastrophe, or a breakthrough opportunity"...
How you react or respond to things in your life is going to determine if you're going to hit your goals or not. Will you react out of frustration, will you respond out of awareness and be able to handle what you're going through?
"Every day we have a defining moment based on action. Whether it's an action we have taken or an action somebody else has taken in regard to us. Our decision to define the moment is what gives us power at the moment. So in the end, we are the ones who determine which are the defining moments in our life".
Today can be a very new defining moment for you, and I hope that every time you learn something, you make that a defining moment. Have a new awareness. It's not easy, but the simple process of following these five basic guidelines, 30, 60, or 90 days into the year, will be completely different.
"Your paths can be something that you choose to help define what you want, what you don't want, how you want to be, or how you don't want to be, and maybe most importantly, who you want to be and how you want to spend the rest of your life".
You get to choose to either live in the past, move on, and create moments in the future. It's all in how you respond or react to people around you and yourself as well.
"When you understand the power, we have to choose how a moment will affect us. We can then begin to define the moments instead of the moments defining us. It's at this point, that moment plus momentum equals a miracle".
So as you're going through your days, I hope you find your defining moment.
I'm going to ask for help.
I'm going to tune into Keto Mom.
I'm going to work on my mindset.
I'm going to be adaptable.
I'm going to respond appropriately.
I'm going to truly become the best version of myself this year.
I hope that one of your goals is to become the best version of yourself. Thank you for being adaptable to me. We need to be more adaptable together. We're working on our awareness and our EQ.
I hope you guys have an incredible day, and we'll talk to you very soon. Bye, everybody!
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