Keto Mom here!
If you're going out to eat, you can make better choices. Look at your menu, and you're going to take the buns off the burger. Instead of French fries, you can order a side salad or some vegetables. If you go out for Mexican, you can order the Fajitas and you can eat all of the stuff on the Fajitas, but just don't put it on the taco shell. Instead of getting the rice you can ask for extra vegetables. So just buns off the burgers, croutons off the salad, grab a lettuce wrap, protein and a veggie or protein with a salad. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Points to Ponder:
00:22 Flavor of the day: Cotton Candy
01:10 It's a Date Night!
01:26 How to Stay Keto or Low Carb Going Out?
02:21 Make Better Choices
03:07 Buns off the Burgers (Better options)
04:25 My Mom fuel or His Dad Fuel
04:39 Why do we Drink Ketones?
05:03 Benefits of Ketones
05:32 Become Part of this Community
06:03 Become the Best Version of Yourself
06:30 Thinking About Quitting
07:07 Social Media Can Drive You Crazy
Full Episode Transcript
Hi! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, and to your two o'clock tasting and your Keto tip. Actually, if you've been tuning in to the Keto mom page, normally I do it at two o'clock. But today, I thought I would switch it up a bit and do three o'clock. So because you get three o'clock tasting and your Keto tip, we are going to shake up some cotton candy mom fuel. We've got something new in the mail, it's a fun way to trial ketones. It's a pack of three, you'll actually get a pack of five, because we're going to do five packs. There's lots different ways to give them. It comes in this cute little trial pack, and it's a fun way to try it with all the information.

Anyways, here's the question of the night, and it's going to be a fast answer. We're going to share about going on a date, because it's Friday night. Well, it's Friday night where I am currently, but if you're on the other side of the world then it's not Friday evening for you quite yet. It's a Date Night! Anybody else having a date night? I'd love to know if you're having a date night. We're actually having a triple date night. We're going out with more two couples, because it's one of our friend's birthday. So we're going to go celebrate and usually we do some family fun stuff with all the couples tonight. It's just the parents.
We are going out! How do you stay keto or low carb going out, or do you? That's the question!
Here's a couple tips for you. As I'm shaking up or stirring my mom fuel, you can decide how you're going to eat when you go out. I love to tell people, it's very easy to eat low carb and Keto when you're going out. Why? Because you choose exactly what you want. You look at the menu, you make a couple swaps. You take the buns off the burger or whatever you want to do, it's so easy! So here's a couple tips real quick as you're going out to eat. If you want to stay low carb, I know you cannot control if the dressing is a perfect dressing how you want. You cannot control if it's a hundred percent organic beef, or if there's no nitrates in the meat, you can't control that part.
So if you're going out to eat, you're going out to eat, but you can make better choices. So this is what you can do... You're going to look at your menu, and you're going to take the buns off the burger. Instead of French fries, you can order a side salad or some vegetables. If you go out for Mexican, you can order the fajitas and you can eat all of the stuff on the fajitas, but just don't put it on the taco shell. Instead of getting the rice you can ask for extra vegetables.

In almost any restaurant you have a salad, so get the dressing on the side, because usually they put too much on. If you grabbed our Keto Tip a couple days ago, the tip was to measure out your dressing instead of pouring it on, because you end up having a half a cup versus two tablespoons. which is actually a serving of dressing.
So just buns off the burgers, croutons off the salad, grab a lettuce wrap, protein and a veggie or protein with a salad. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Okay, so I would love to know this... When you go on a date night or if you're just going out for supper. Where would you love to go? What's your number one restaurant and what do you order? Where are we going? We are going to "Benihana", it's a Hibachi so I just will probably eat a steak. They have steak and chicken, so that's what I'm going to have and you can have veggies, you don't have to have the rice...
Do you want to come and show them who my date is? Have you guys ever met my husband? Some of you have some of you have not. Okay, cool, so we're going on a date.
Who else is going on a date? I'm drinking my Mom fuel and that's his Dad fuel. So if you want to know more about my Mom fuel or his Dad fuel, you can post five in the comments. In these next round of trial packs, you're going to get a fun little little explainer kits. This thing's super cool, actually super cool. Hey babe! Why do you drink Ketones? Why? Because it elevates mental clarity and focus. The reason why is when I got started, I understood the benefits of Ketones. So fast forward where we're at, six years into this helping people find their better and in their pursuit of better. This is a legitimate product that helps you feel great and it helps with your mood. It helps with homeschooling the kids, it helps on date night, it helps on building your muscles.

There's just so many benefits to it, but my favorite is the energy, the focus and fat loss is great. What's super crazy, and a lot of you might not understand this, but there's an opportunity to plug into a community.
And I hear Stephanie answer hundreds, if not thousands of questions every day. Yes it's her, answering all of these questions. And the reality is, if you're drinking this product or if you're going to order the trial... By the way, we're not making any money off of this. This is just for you to get the product in your hand and use it to feel amazing. But for you moms who are watching, you can become a Keto Mom, and you can do what Stephanie does. You can become a part of this community. That's my honest favorite part, the product is amazing but the community is something that I feel so many people are missing. This is one of those things that can help you become the best version of yourself. Stephanie talked about it this morning, about your five closest friends. Every morning, if you didn't know this, Stephanie does a Keto Mom mindset morning.
She got a message today that when she and I read it, or when I heard her read it to me, I started crying. She started crying, and she's not a crier, but I am. The reality is she was thinking about quitting. How many of you have come up to something in life where you're like "It's not working" or "This isn't good". She was going to quit doing her mindset mornings and she was going to flip it into something else...
Well, I was just thinking, maybe this isn't working or maybe people don't care. It is hard sometimes, I'm not going to lie to you. When you're used to having people hop on and ask questions or answer questions, numbers can work for you or against you. Okay! This is what drives me crazy, social media can drive you crazy. But don't mess up good for perfect. Alright! Here's what I will tell you, Social media can play with your mind and right now it's up and down. So you might have people that watch for a while and then you get people that don't and it's just awkward. And so sometimes I feel like it's working and sometimes I feel like it's not. So it's always great to get a message when somebody actually says "Oh, it's changing my life"...

So that's what I'm trying to say is those are my favorite benefits. But if you didn't know this, you can actually be a part of this community. If you're wondering what that looks like, just reach out to Stephanie and ask her what does it look like to become a Keto Mom? What does it look like to become a part of the community? What does it look like to do any of those things?...
Anyways our dates are here and our dogs are letting us know. So I would love to know what restaurant you'd like to go to or what do you order? Simple! Buns off burgers, croutons off salad, grab a lettuce wrap with protein in it, protein and a veggie. Otherwise, if you want to know more about my Mom Fuel, post five in the comments. Or if you like hearing from my husband let me know, because I'll make sure he comes on more often and shares because he's super great.
So Alright, I hope you guys have a great night. Bye everybody!
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