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Two o'clock Tasting & Keto Tip (Day 17): "Will the Doughnut Hurt You?" | Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Keto Mom here!

The keto tip is simply being aware, being focused and knowing that the one bad choice does not throw you off. You made that choice, it's not a big deal, just make a better choice tomorrow or for the next meal

Points to Ponder:

00:57 Will the Doughnut Hurt You Today?"

01:32 People Do One of Two Things

01:56 1% Better or 1% Worse

02:30 People's Bodies Fluctuate

02:43 Perspective

03:25 Making Decisions

04:03 You'll See the Effects Overtime

04:38 An Awareness on Our Choices

05:04 The End Game

06:12 Flavor of the Day: "Strawberry Peach"

06:20 60 Hour Keto Reboot

07:05 Benefits of Ketones

07:31 Reboot: Resting and Resetting your System

Full Episode Transcript

Hey everybody! Welcome to the four o'clock tasting and the Keto tip. We've got legitimately around four minutes! It's not that I forgot, I did not forget. Our Monday's are a busy day, and it's great. I love it! So it's a busy morning, busy day, we are having to leave the house soon. But before we do, I'm going to actually shake up a caffeine free today, because it's later in the day, it's four o'clock. Caffeine really doesn't affect me, I honestly could have caffeine probably right before bed and I would be just fine. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? We have to go get volleyball players, go to horse lessons and another volleyball player, all those things. I call myself a mom taxi, and I absolutely love it.

So here's the tip of the day I labeled this as "Will the Doughnut Hurt You Today?"... I've talked about this kind of topic in some other lives, but I just want to give you perspective.
Flavor of the Day: "Strawberry Peach"

Let's say that you get up, you go to the office and you don't even think about it. People then bring in the fanciest doughnuts in the world, and you were like "Yes! Awesome, we're celebrating something"... You grab the doughnut, and you eat it. And then what happens is, so many people beat themselves up in their mind. They get super frustrated, and then they do one of two things... They either throw everything out the window that day and dive full force into saying "Well today's another cheat day, I'll start tomorrow". Or they go about their day and they would say "Nope! It's fine"...

So either they freak out and they give up for that day, or they'll say it's not a big deal and do better the rest of the day.

Now, each person represents a 1% Better or a 1% Worse. Meaning when you make decisions throughout your day, I want you to think about this really quick. I want you to think to yourself

"If I eat a doughnut today, I'm not going to gain twenty pounds tomorrow. I'm not even going to gain five pounds".

Because you won't! Some of you just get so fixated on that scale, and you think that you gained three pounds overnight. But you did the perfect diet the day before. Some say "I've been doing Keto for three weeks, and I've gained three pounds". People's bodies fluctuate and factors could be, with time of the day that you weigh yourself, how much fluid that you have. Even the temperature plays a factor, or if your body's holding on to fluids, like if it's hot, and all of the things. So I want to give you this perspective, if you're making decisions. "The doughnut might not affect me today, I'm not going to gain weight overnight. But if I continuously make not great choices over the course of the next four months or for the rest of the year, I'm going to make a One percent worse"...

Bad choices will accumulate and you will see that over time

I kind of want to give you a visual. So if I eat the doughnut or I don't, it's not a big deal today. Both people will probably wake up tomorrow and be fine. But as you make those decisions, person one is making better decisions every day. Buns off the burgers croutons off the salad. Person one is making a conscious, focused effort to make a better decision.

So one percent better is going to end up with higher success rate at the end of the year. While person two is eating a doughnut here, eating a doughnut there, going out to eat, not packing lunch and skipping the gym. And that's going to be one percent worse.

Over the course of time, the little actions that you make, you won't see them overnight. But if you make good choices every day and you do the best that you can, you will see it over time. If you make bad choices, that you know won't help your goals, you're going to see it again over time.

Fast forward, in the next four months or by the end of the year. You can either find yourself sitting in a really good place where you feel great about yourself. Or you can find yourself twenty pounds heavier and not really happy with what happened over the course of the last four months. Especially going into the holiday season. So I just want to give you an awareness when you're making choices. I always say ask yourself if you're hungry or are you thirsty? Get yourself out of the kitchen! Be aware of the food that you're putting in your mouth and think to yourself by the end of this year, this choice that I'm making right now? Is it going to be one percent better, or one percent worse. Is it going to put me on the path of one percent better, or one percent worse?...

It's One percent Better or One percent Worse

The end game is, even if your goal is to get healthy and we've got a year to do it. But if you just go, "I've got till the end of the year and I'm going to start another journey 2022". So you've got four months "Where do you want to be?", "Where are you going to be?", "Where are you going to find yourself on January 1 2022, by your One percent Better or One percent Worse?"...

So the Keto tip is simply being aware, being focused and knowing that the one bad choice does not throw you off. I want you to just be physically and mentally focused. You made that choice, it's not a big deal, just make a better choice tomorrow or for the next meal.

But if you continuously make bad choices, you're going to get to the end of four months and not be very happy... I've done a lot of different talks on the One percent Better or One percent Worse, so does that make sense?...

Anyways, how are you doing? Anybody else being a carpool taxi Mom? I have to leave in one more minute, but this is the flavor that I'm drinking "Strawberry Peach". For those of you who are doing the reboot, and you're joining a lot of us in the community. How's your reboot going? We're doing a 60 Hour Keto Reboot. So it's like a sixty hour fasting, where you don't eat for sixty hours but you drink everything in the kit. We've got broth for lunch, and dinner, we've got Ketones and electrolytes and all of those things. If you want to know more about the reboot, you can post reboot below and I'll be sharing more in the stories today.

Message me if you have any questions, happy to help!

Otherwise, I'm drinking a caffeine free Strawberry Peach, which tastes like strawberry peach. I call it my mom fuel, I drink ketones every day and reboot monthly, most of the time. It's incredible! I put it in some water, shake it up and it puts you in Ketosis in under an hour.

It helps you with energy, focus and appetite control. It's an incredible product, it's not a magic pill but it's a tool. And also I'll help you eat better, which in this case we are not eating for sixty hours but drinking a lot of fluid.

So if you have questions, let me know. If you want to know more about the reboot that I'm doing with thousands of other people, let me know. It's basically resting and resetting your system and your metabolism, your rebooting. So whether you really need to kickstart yourself back into some serious focus, you've reached a plateau or maybe you feel great and you want to amplify what you're doing. Wherever you're starting, I will help you. So continue to tune into the page, I'm always here to help. Whether it's recipes, Keto tips, tricks, or things you're looking for. Ask and we'll answer. So I hope you guys have an incredible day, I'll come back and answer the questions that you are asking below because it's going too fast.

So I hope you guys have a great day. We'll talk to you soon.

Hit me up on IG! @ketomomsecrets

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