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Two o'clock Tasting & Keto Tip (Day 2): "How To Have a Successful Week" | Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Keto Mom here!

If you truly want to have success and if you have health goals, you need to take time to plan your meals. Take inventory, write out your menu for the week, go to the grocery store, prep whatever is needed. In that way, you can have a successful week and you're going to feel great. You're going to feel inspired and you're going to feel accomplished that you did it. You're going to feel great, I promise! It might feel like a little bit of work in the beginning, but you can do it.

Points to Ponder:

02:38 How to have a Successful Week?

03:24 Winners of My Mom Fuel Trial Kit

04:00 Flavor of the day: NAT Light (Giddyup Grape)

04:21 Ketones

04:34 Benefits of Ketones

06:25 Half pack of Ketones

06:42 Benefits of Half Packs

07:11 Ketones for Kids


09:03 Keto tip: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

10:40 I Plan on Sundays

10:53 4 Steps in Planning your week

11:01 Number One: Take Inventory

11:32 Number Two: Plan Your Menu

11:51 Number Three: Make A Shopping List

12:10 Number Four: Prep Time

13:36 Take Time to Plan Your Meals

14:20 Crock Pot Ideas


18:34 Taking Action on What You're Learning

21:36 You will be Blessed by Doing Hard Work

Full Episode Transcript

Hey! Welcome to the Keto Mom page, my name is Stephanie! We're going to do an evening tasting and a Keto tip for you today. So if you're just tuning in, welcome! If you've been tuning in for a while to my page, I want you to know something. Normally, I do a two o'clock or a three o'clock tasting and a Keto tip. Sometimes I have to be adaptable, and depending on what's going on in our weekend or weekday, I have to have high EQ. I actually had to do that today. So really quick, I'd love to know where you're tuning in from and how's your day going? I had the opportunity to go to a women's conference about an hour away with my mom, a friend and her mom.

Welcome to a late night Keto tasting and Keto Tip!

We went yesterday and today, it was amazing. We got to listen to some incredible, powerful speakers, it was so awesome! I'm so filled up and I'd love to teach you all about it, but I'm not going to do that today. So I'm going to shake up some Ketones that you've never seen before, that I've never shaken up as far as on the two o'clock tasting and Keto tip. And I'm going to give you a Keto tip to go on into tomorrow and then a new week... I hope that you are adaptable with me. Thank you for being adaptable, if you expect me to come on at two or three, or even like this morning. So for those of you who go through the books every morning and the morning mindset, I hop on usually around 7:30 Central...

But I left super early this morning and so I thought I'm going to take a picture, it's part of being adaptable. It's something that I learned at a young age from my parents working in the medical field. We always had to be adaptable, depending on their schedules. My mom and I were just talking about life and our personal life with my husband and myself. We just have to be adaptable in our home, with our job and the things that we do. I'm pretty great at it, but I know some people like structure and routine. So if you have expectations of me being on a certain time and I failed your expectations, I just want to apologize. I'm going to help you work on your A.Q., which is your adaptability...

So anyways, we're going to dive into "How do we prepare?" or "How do we have a successful week?", whatever success looks like to you. But in general or a broad term on your food, like preparing for your week in general. So you can have success on your health journey... Everyday, my goal is to come on here and shake up some Ketones. I've been doing it for a while and I'm going to share with you why I drink ketones. I also am going to give you some type of Keto Low carb tip to help you on your journey.

Flavor of the day: NAT Light (Giddyup Grape)
By the way I do have two winners of my Mom Fuel. I'll actually make sure to post them in the comments. So we've got Heather Matthews and Sandy Mora, Congratulations! You both won a Mom Fuel. You won a trial kit of my Mom Fuel.

If you don't know what this is, I'll talk about it in a second. But I just need you to send me your address... So in order to go into the next drawing, all you have to do is two things. Number one, press the share button below and let me know that you shared it. Just say "Hey, I shared"... And also I want to give you something else to do because I love it when you talk back to me as I'm sharing with you. So talk back. I'm going to give you a moment, I'm going to ask you a question and then you can share with me in a second...

Here's what I'm shaking up. It's called a NAT Light (Giddyup Grape). I've never shaken this up here during my keto tastings and my Keto tip. It looks different than like a normal Mom Fuel.

I've been drinking them for six and a half years. I call it my Mom Fuel and it puts me in Ketosis in under an hour. I love everything about it! It is a tool, not a magic pill. We have so many different flavors. It's Brain Fuel, because Ketones turn on your brain. They help you with fat loss, energy, focus, better mood, better sleep, so many benefits. Now, I'm going to ask you a question and I need all of your participation. Who at the end of dinner time... By the way we just had roast, out of the crock pot for supper. But anyways, after dinner.... Do you crave something sweet? Do you feel like you should have a dessert? Like "I should probably have something that curbs my cravings", "I just need a little something"... Is anybody ever like that? (I really want to show you something so cute that I found) Oftentimes people ask "Stephanie, how many Ketones you drink a day", "Why do you drink Ketones?"... So as I'm drinking Ketones, I drink one in the morning or you can drink one or two a day. Everybody's a little different...

I love this awesome Mom Fuel mug I got from the conference

But you guys if you follow me, you know that I always say mom fuel. I've got to drink my Mom Fuel, I love it! It's changed my life, I don't drink coffee, I don't drink energy drinks, I drink Ketones. I have for a long time, and look at this cute mug that I found at this women's conference I went to. Well my mom actually found it for me. See it? Isn't that cute? So I had to have it. I'm not a coffee drinker, sometimes I'll drink some tea. But I'll drink something in this mug because I needed it. So anyways, I thought that was cute.

All right! So I have something a little different here... It's a half pack of Ketones, there's no caffeine. But these come in caffeine or caffeine free. Why would somebody want to drink a half pack of ketones?

I should have brought the whole bag in for you to see. But it is a bag and it's got four different flavors. It's a Half pack of Caffeine Free Ketones. Why do people drink these? I actually have a lot of people that drink them in the evenings after supper time. It is to help them not go eat the cookies, to help them get out of the kitchen, and to help curb their cravings at night. Some people actually mix these little packs, to have an extra boost of Ketones with another pack.

This bag actually says parent approved. But that is completely up to you as the parent. I often get asked do my kids drink Ketones. It's completely up to you as a parent. What I can tell you, I'm not a doctor or scientist, so always check with your doctor. You can always give them a little packet if you understand Ketones and the power of the brain. You're the parent and that's completely up to you. A lot of people like to drink them in the evening, so they're not eating that extra sugar.

They sit down, they watch a movie with their family and they're not snacking. Instead they are just drinking something that's going to give them Ketones and help them with their appetite. Ketones actually help with sleep but ironically it also gives you energy throughout your day. It's so interesting.
A bag of Half packs with 4 different Flavors
So if you are seriously curious about my Mom Fuel, I have a super cool app called PRUVIT TV. It's a free app, you can download it. P-R-U-V-I-T, PRIUVIT TV and you can see a ton of research.

This is what the bag looks like, isn't this cute? So it comes in a bag, and it's got Lemon Lime, Orange Sun, Strawberry Jams and Giddyup Grape. It's a fun bag, half pack of Ketones. People either mix them with their other ones or they take them in the evenings or even in the afternoon. If they just don't want to snack on something. It helps curb your cravings, they're great!

So that's what I'm shaking up... Here's the deal, if you want to know more about my Mom Fuel. Just post five in the comments, you and I are going to chat. Continue to tune in every single day, I shake up different flavors and chat about them. If you want to go into a drawing, press the share button below and then I'm gonna put your name into a drawing for tomorrow.

Now here is your Keto tip... "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". I'm going to say it again, you should write this down and you should put it on your refrigerator. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"... What does that mean? That simply means if you are not going to take a little bit of time, sometime during the weekend or whatever day works for you, to sit down and plan your meals for the next week.

You're going to find yourself going through the drive thru. Probably grabbing snacks that you don't want to grab. Just not making the best choices that you want to make that are going to help you on your Keto journey. If you don't have foods in your house, if you aren't planned with whether you need Ketones or Electrolytes, or maybe you just need to make sure you're drinking your water. Maybe you just need to make sure that you're going to the gym or whatever the case may be. If you're not going to take time to plan, then the likelihood of you meeting your expectations or meeting your goals for the week falls way down here. Why? If you don't have things laid out, it's easy to go through the drive thru, walk into the gas station, grab things on the go and eat the sugary snacks. Because you need something quick and you just don't think about it...

There are 4 simple steps that can help you

So I've got four steps for you. This is to help you whether you do it tonight or tomorrow. I usually plan on Sundays. Is there a day of the week that you plan for the rest of your week? Sunday is that day for me. As we go to church, and then we come home, we take inventory and figure out what we're going to have for the rest of the week.

So here's your four steps and it's very simple. The key is to actually do it and take action.

Number One, Take Inventory. Whether it's tonight or tomorrow, I want you to go through your refrigerator. Go through your cupboards, go through your freezer and check what you have and what can you already use. Take inventory, like we have so much meat that I probably don't have to go to the grocery store for six months on meat. We also go to Costco to buy in bulk. So I already have all the meat right?

Number one is take inventory. I wrote this out in the comments of the video. Number Two, with the inventory of what you have, ask yourself "What am I going to make?"... We can have a pot roast, we can grill burgers and the girls love chili. So what are you going to have on your menu? Number One, Take Inventory of what you already have. Number Two, Plan what you actually want on your menu for the week. Number Three, you're going to go to the grocery store before your crazy hectic week starts, and you're going shopping. Make your list, go to the store, get what's only on the list, and then come home. That's the hardest part, get what's only on the list. And then the Number Four, is Prepare or Prep. Some of you have to prep for all of your lunches. If you do it on a Sunday, some of you prep and make all the chicken, or brown all the hamburger. Some of you have it all laid out in the freezer or unthaw some meat to make sure you have it ready, whatever it is. If I need a crock pot meal for Monday, then I've got to make sure I've got it in the refrigerator to throw in my crock pot on Monday. And I've got to do it Sunday night.

So once you get into the routine of preparing and planning, it will become a habit. You've got to do things so often before we create a habit and they just naturally do it. On Sundays, I'm like "Got to look in the freezer", "What are we going to have for a meal?", "Do I have to go to the grocery store?"...
Take inventory, plan your menu, make a list, and prepare

I'm going to have to plan and prep. We are at home all the time, so my day looks different than yours. I'm not going to an office, my kids aren't going to school. I need to have a lot of food in the house, because we work from home and we homeschool. We do a lot here, so we go through a lot of food. And I just need to make sure I have all those things.

I know it sounds simple and yet it's the act of doing it. "It's in my head. It's not a big deal", "I'll do it the next day", "I'll do it on my lunch hour". No! If you truly want to have success and if you have health goals, you need to take time plan your meals.

Take inventory, write out your menu for the week, go to the grocery store, prep whatever is needed. So that you can have a successful week and you're going to feel great. You're going to feel inspired and you're going to feel accomplished that you did it. You're going to feel great. I promise! It might feel like a little bit of work in the beginning, but you can do it. So your Keto tip today is to take a little bit of time and just plan it out. Ask your family what they want, like "What do you guys want for supper this week?". They usually say chili or tacos. They've been asking for Crock pot and Roasts, so we put that in a crock pot yesterday.

By the way, I said I was going to give you guys a whole bunch of crock pot ideas and then I realized I just throw roasts in the crock pot. We do chili, super simple. We do roasts, we do chicken tacos, which is just a whole bunch of chicken breasts and some water until I can shred it, and usually taco meat. Soup! I need to make it for you, but who loves the Olive Garden Zupa Soup? I make that in a crock pot, but with cauliflower crumble. You can't even tell the difference and that's incredible! So that one I'll share with you soon. I also posted a link in the header of this video that has around twenty four Low Carb, Ready for you Crock pot meals. It's by a different source that I found and they all look really great. You can always swap a couple things if it doesn't quite meet your qualifying Keto options. But as I looked through recipes, majority were pretty low carb... I gave you a link, click on them, there's twenty crock pot meals for you to look at.

Check the link in the header for your Crock Pot meal ideas

I don't know about you, but if you like me, are in the season of loving every minute of the busy athletic children here, there and everywhere. Then a crock pot season might be great for you. So a couple questions... "Who plans their meals?" If you do, and you have a really great tip, I need you to share it below. If you have any questions, just ask below and I will get to them. Send me a message, I will send you a message back. But it really does help. If your goal is to get healthier, you need to take a little bit of time and plan. And that was your tip of the day.

If you're just tuning in or if you're brand new, post New below. Let me know where you're tuning in from. I forgot to tell you, I live in Minnesota but maybe many of you know that already. I shook up my Keto Nat Light, and I was drinking giddyap grape. It's a half pack of Ketones and I have a lot of people that just drink them in the evenings to help with nighttime cravings. Some people drink it thirty minutes before bed. Ketones help with sleep, and there's lots of different ways to use them.

So this is the bag, this is what it looks like. If you want to know more about my Mom Fuel and if you want to go into the drawing for tomorrow, just press that share button. And then let me know that you shared, just say I shared. That's it! I have Two Winners from yesterday and they are Heather Matthews and Sandy Mora. I need your address and I'll send you some Mom Fuel. Otherwise, click on the link in the header to get your crock pot meals or continue to tune in every single day for a tip to help you on your journey. Now I'm going to tell you one more thing and then let you go.

Some of you might have followed me for a long time. And so oftentimes people will be like "Hey! Can you post some new recipes?" And I'm like "Listen, You don't need 101 Keto recipes"... Maybe I'm trying to say this, I have so many recipes. You can go to, and I share a couple recipes every single day. If you've been here for years then you're going to see duplicates, because it comes to a point where you only can make so many things.
It takes 17 times to hear something, before implementing it

You've got to decide your favorite meals, and then stick with them. Some of you get bored way too easily. There is a point where you're also going to hear me say the same things over and over again. My question is "Are you putting what I'm telling you to do, into action?"... Some people say "You've said the same thing"... Are you listening? Are you really, truly listening? And when you listen, not just to me, but anybody you follow. The very secret to accomplishing anything is Taking Action on whatever you're learning.

I just went to a two day conference. How is it going to change my life? It's not going to change my life by me just looking and reading my notes. You want to know what's going to change my life? It's me listening to all of those women, me reading the notes. I'm going to go pick my favorite things and I'm going to go "What can I put into my life today?", "What did I learn", "What is something that I can implement today?"...

So as I give you a Keto tip every day, if you watch last month, you're going to get the same Keto tips this month. You just might hear it differently, or maybe you invite your friend because your friend needs to hear it. Maybe you weren't ready for that tip but you're ready for it this month. It's just a reminder, and what I learned at this conference is it's not that I didn't know. A lot of it I already know. I have grown up in the Christian faith, I have grown up going to church and I was a believer when I was six years old. This women's conference was incredible, it's called Thrive. I know a lot of it already, just like you know how to eat.

You know you should put the donut down, you know you should drink more water, you know you should move your body. You've probably heard me teaching about intermittent fasting or don't eat if you're not hungry. You've probably heard me and then you have to hear it again.
Always remember, you are great and you are Blessed!

Have you ever wondered like when people say "They said it", "Oh! They said that you need to drink X amount of water", "Oh! They said"... And sometimes I go, "Who are they?"... For instance, you might be like "Who are they?" I don't know, but they said... Anyways, what I want you to know statistics say, some researcher say, it takes hearing something at least sixteen to seventeen times before it sticks and before I implement it. That means you're going to have to be here for sixteen months for me to give you a tip a day. And if I go over one tip, once a month, or 30 tips in a month. But you hear that tip one time a month, sixteen times... Then you're going to be here a long time before you implement that tip. It's kind of a long time.

Anyways, I don't know if that made sense. But all I know is I think you are amazing. If nobody told you today how great you are, you are great! You are worthy! You can one hundred percent accomplish your goals. If you take what you've been learning, and you implement it. If you take action, if you do the work, there's no such thing as luck.

You don't just get to hope it. I believe in hope, I believe in faith, I believe in blessings. But I believe in hard work. And you will be blessed by doing hard work. You're not going to sit and watch me and get lucky and lose the weight. It doesn't work that way. You have to put in the work. You've got to have the discipline, you've got to tune in to me or somebody else and read. Get your mindset right, be inspired to do the work. So all right! I have been talking your ear off. So if you have any questions, just reach out and continue to tune into the page. Thank you for being adaptable. Thank you for not being mean to me even though I didn't come on at two, three or four o'clock. But I came on, I don't even know what time it is in the evening. I shook up something new. If you want to know more about my Mom Fuel, I would love to share, so post five in the comments. Otherwise, I appreciate you. You are amazing, you really are. Why? Because God made you, you are alive, you are breathing and you are here for a purpose. So go do what you know deep down you need to do and that might mean taking care of your health. So Alright! I hope you have a great night and we'll see you tomorrow.

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