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Two o'clock Tasting & Keto Tip (Day 29) "Some Must-Haves At Home" | Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Keto Mom here!

      Here's my tip, when I go to the grocery store I always make sure to grab some steamed or frozen vegetables, and I always have some type of meat in the freezer. There are things that I like to keep in my refrigerator at all times, in case I don't plan or I don't thaw the meat, I can just grab something. 

Points to Ponder:

00:51 Planning Meals On A Sunday

01:48 Winner: Tisha Nolan

02:48 Ketones

03:11 Work On Eating Better

03:29 The Point Is To Make This A Lifestyle

03:55 Mexico Version of Ketones

04:45 Trial Packs

05:52 Frozen Veggies and Meat

06:45 Breakfast For Dinner

07:47 Snacks That Get Me Through The Day

08:44 Low Carb Wraps & Peanut Butter

09:25 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

Full Episode Transcript

Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto mom page. My name is Stephanie and we're going to dive into our two o'clock tasting and a Keto tip. It's almost three o'clock, but we are still hitting the two o'clock mark. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? I am tuning in from lovely Minnesota, and it's actually beautiful out today. It snowed last week but now the sun is shining. It's like 50 degrees and it's quite lovely. I would love to know, how is your day, and how are you? Alright! I'm going to talk about some basic necessities to always keep in your home. Just in case you did not plan, prepare, or go to the grocery store.

Time for your Keto Tip and Keto Tasting!
I'll tell you what I do, if for some reason I did not take the time to plan my meals on a Sunday, by the way, that is my meal or menu planning day. Sunday's are like "my day", where everything has to be ready for Monday or for the week. So if I did not do that, then I always have certain things in my refrigerator that can carry me over until I go to the grocery store.

Meaning when I go to the grocery store, I have an excess of these things. So that if for some reason I need a meal, I go to this. It's like a go-to-meal or it could be some go-to-things... Anyways, how was your day? I'm going to shake up my Ketones. Can you guess what flavor I'm going to taste? I'm almost out, I think I've only got two of these flavors left and it makes me so sad. I shake up my Mom Fuel every single day, and it looks like this. By the way, we have a winner! Congratulations Tisha Nolan, you won some Mom Fuel, and it looks like this. It's a powder, and you just put it in some water. Ketones put you in ketosis in under an hour, it's incredible. So if you want to know more about Ketones, post "Five" in the comments. It usually comes in a powder form, but I have been loving this liquid ampule. It's the same thing but packed a little bit differently. You can do powder or liquid, you put both in water, and they both put you in ketosis. I'm going to shake up my most favorite flavor. It tastes like a tangerine or an orange, straight from the tree in San Diego, California, or wherever else they have oranges. It tastes so good!

Mexico Version of Ketones, and I love it
I love all of the flavors, and I love how I feel. I've been drinking them for six and a half years, and none of it goes to waste. It puts you in ketosis in under an hour. Your body can make ketones or you can drink them. It is a tool and not a magic pill. You simply put it in water, shake it and you drink it. It's that easy!...

Now, you're not going to eat a bunch of junk and drink this. What you're going to do is work on eating better. Some people are keto, some are low carb, I've got people that are vegan, and some are whole thirty. There are some who are just eating healthier, and working on their lifestyle. So that they don't just hit their goals and then give up six months down the road. Or they reach their goals, just to restart again. That's not the point! The point is that we keep going and make this into a lifestyle. And Ketones will help with that, it gives you the energy, focus, and appetite control...

Here is the name of this liquid ampule, I can't read it. This flavor is not available right now, but hopefully this month we'll see it again. There are a lot of other flavors like this, but I don't think any of them are available right now. It's like the Mexico version of Ketones, which means our company is open all over the world. But in order for us to send products or ketones to Mexico, it had to be in a different form. We've got the powder for the United States, Canada, UK, EU, and Australia. But the Mexican product has to be in liquid form, and in an ampule just like this. Probably due to, I think temperature and all different factors where it sits down there. Anyways, I'm not an expert in all of that, but it's great. When they have extras they share with us, and I love it.

Grab a 10 pack, and you get this amazing water bottle for free

So for those of you who have asked, post "Five" in the comments, and I'm going to ask you what your goals are, or if you understand ketones. I'm going to show you a little bit of research, and then you are going to get a trial pack just like this. We'll chat about what trial pack you want. Do you want the five, ten, three, or six? It doesn't matter, you could try a variety of flavors to see what you think and I'll walk you through it. I do have a little special going on.

If you've never tried ketones at all and you grab a ten pack, I'm going to include a water bottle. Alright! Again, if you've never tried ketones and you want to know more about it, or if you grab a ten pack, by the way, it's through Paypal or Venmo, I will throw in one of these fancy little blue water bottles.

I only have eight of them left. So let me know, post "10" in the comments, and I'll message you. We're just going to chat about your goals, I'll tell you more about my Mom Fuel. It's pretty great... Again Congratulations to Tisha! You won some Mom Fuel, I need your address. For everybody else, press the share button and your name goes into a drawing for tomorrow's ketones...

Okay! Here's my tip, when I go to the grocery store, and you can always find this in my home. I always make sure to grab some steamed or frozen vegetables, and I always have some type of meat in the freezer. But if I didn't, and if I forgot to take that out, we love this product from Costco. Actually, my kids love them. Do I pay a little bit more money for them? One hundred percent! Are they great for on-the-go? One hundred percent! These are mini chicken breasts, fully cooked bites. There are things that I like to keep in my refrigerator at all times, in case I don't plan or I don't thaw the meat, I can just grab something.

Frozen Veggies and Meat are a must for me
This is easy, so I always have frozen veggies, any type of meat, something simple to grab, or some deli meat. And then I always have these two things in my freezer or in my refrigerator. If I did not plan dinner, my kids can honestly guess what we're going to have. They're going to say, "We're going to have eggs and sausages".

Yes, this is what we're going to have. If I did not plan or prepare, I did not thaw the meat, or I did not think about it. I make some scrambled eggs, throw these sausages in the air fryer and our meal is done. And I just like it! You don't have to do these things, but think about what causes you to go through the drive-thru? What causes you to feel like you failed, or it's a crazy day? Listen, I've already had a crazy day. I wanted to do this live video an hour ago, but then all four dogs got out of the house and ran all the way up the hill because they are not obedient. We had to chase the dogs for thirty minutes and I did not enjoy that...

I'm just telling you that when life happens and you have to just go, there are things that I always keep on hand. I keep Macadamia nuts, I always have cheese sticks and Almonds too. Some little snacky things to get me through the day.

But if I did not plan our meal, we're going to have breakfast for dinner. I better start planning meals, or we're going to be eating eggs and sausage every single night for dinner, or frozen veggies and some chicken. Super easy. Just think about things that you enjoy making, but are quick and that you can keep in the refrigerator or the freezer for a longer period of time. Eggs stay good for a long time. Sausages stay in the freezer, frozen veggies stay good, and some simple meats. Just think about those things, as you go to the grocery store and grab a couple extra for those days that you did not plan. But you don't want to go grab the french fries.

Keep it simple, and have breakfast for dinner

That is your keto tip, grab some extra veggies and some meat... Share with me what your "I did not plan, but I need to make everybody something to eat" go-to-meal. You want to know what else? I actually also keep those low-carb wraps in our cupboard at all times and some peanut butter. And if we have to, we will have a low-carb wrap with peanut butter, just like a sandwich, that's our sandwich. Easy!

So think of little things that you can post below, that you always have at hand, that are always in your freezer or refrigerator. So that other people can scroll through and go, "I could do that, that's super easy"... That would be so helpful, in that way you don't find yourself in the drive-thru, three to four times a week because you did not plan for your family.

But if I did not plan, then they're having eggs, which is fine. I'm just teasing. Alright! That was my tip of the day. Here's the deal, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail", so don't plan to fail and just plan.

That's all I got! We have horse lessons and all those other things, so we're getting ready to go. Reach out with any questions that you have, I'm always here to help. Continue to tune into the page for recipes, tips, tricks, and all the fun Keto tips for you. And let me know if you want to know more about my Mom Fuel, post "10" in the comments. The first eight that will grab a ten pack will get a water bottle... I hope you guys have a great day, I appreciate you all. Congratulations Tisha Noland! Everybody! Just press share and make sure you tell me in the comments that you shared, so I can put your name in the drawing for Ketones tomorrow. Hope you guys have an incredible day! I'm going to go drink my favorite Mom Fuel and we'll talk to you soon. Bye!

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