Keto Mom Here!
Think of anything that you love and there's always a swap for it. The seven-layer salad, that's one of our favorites. It's super simple, it's just lettuce, egg, bacon, tomato, onion, and ranch cheese, but so it's super good.
Points To Ponder:
00:08 A Brand New Flavor
00:36 Are You Ready For Thanksgiving
00:49 I Ran Into One of You at Costco, Message Me
01:13 My Mom Fuel, Ketones
01:29 Black Friday Deals
01:57 Benefits of Ketones
03:09 Tip For The Day: Simple, Basic Swaps
03:33 The Seven-Layer Salad
05:15 Find Recipes at
06:37 What Are You Having on Thanksgiving?
Full Episode Transcript:
Hey everybody! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. Welcome to your three o'clock tasting and a Keto tip. I'm actually going to try a brand new flavor that's not even available right now yet. Maybe you'll see it coming up here soon, I can't even tell you yet. Let me see what I can show you, I got to make sure I don't show you the name. So as you're tuning in, where are you tuning in from? I'm going to shake up something great! I promise you, it's going to be great. Alright! A couple of questions, who has all of their Thanksgiving food ready to go? We are going to my sister's house tomorrow, and then we're hosting Thanksgiving here in our home on Thursday.

We went and did all the shopping at Costco today. I actually ran into one of you, or you ran up and met me. And if it was you, you need to send me a message. I'd love to send you a gift, I'm trying to remember your name, I'm sure it will come to me. But I met somebody that's on my keto Mom page when I was at Costco, and she's like, "I watch you!". So if that was you, send me a message, I'll remember your name when I see it.
Anyways, we're going to take up a fun new flavor. It's my Mom Fuel, or Ketones and I drink it every single day. I've been drinking it for six and a half years, and I absolutely love it. Does anybody do Black Friday shopping? Maybe you'll see some Ketones on a Black Friday deal. If you want to know when the Black Friday Ketone Mom Fuel sale is available, post "Black Friday" in the comments. So what is this? It's Ketones, and it comes in different flavors. You simply put it in some water, shake it up, drink it, and you will feel incredible. It helps you, it's a tool and not a magic pill.
It helps with your energy, focus, and appetite control. I'm hiding it because I can't show you the flavor. But it helps with your energy, focus, appetite control, and better mood. They're incredible, and again, you're not just going to drink this and lose ten pounds of fat. I'm going to help you with your food choices, we're going to work on drinking more water, moving your body, eating better, and making it a lifestyle, not a diet.

This is a tool, and this is the new flavor that I've never had before. It comes in a black packet, so maybe you could take a guess... I love it, and I drink it once or twice a day, just depends. I feel amazing! So if you want to know more about the Black Friday deal, or my Mom Fuel in general, just post "Black Friday" below and we'll chat. Okay! Should I tell you what it tastes like? I don't think I can yet. You get to try them to see how they taste, and then we get to tell you if they're great or not. This one I've already tried, and it is great so I'll try it again...
Okay! Here's my tip of the day real quick. If you're still trying to decide on what to make for Thanksgiving or you're still headed to the store, there are a couple of things that you can do. I want you to know there are some really simple basic swaps with any meal or any side dish that you want to make.
If you really want to stick to low-carb Thanksgiving? I shared with you one of our most favorite salads, and it's called "A seven-layer salad". In the header of this video, there is a recipe, just click on the link and it'll route you to the recipe. It's lettuce. bacon, eggs, onion, tomato, ranch dressing, and cheese. I gotta think of all the layers, but that's something that we're going to have. We're going to have a seven-layer salad... By the way, we have some guests in our home because we had some friends that are staying with us for a little while.
Alright! Real quick, think of anything that you love and there's always a swap for it. If you want mashed potatoes, you can always swap them for cauliflower-mashed potatoes. There are actually some incredible recipes if you go to Facebook and type in keto mom Thanksgiving, or keto mom cauliflower mashed potatoes. You will also find so many recipes if you go to There are tons of recipes there, we've got Brussel sprouts, lots of different veggies, mashed potatoes, Turkey, and keto pumpkin pie.
All of those recipes are there for you. Just think about having a better option, everything can have a swap to it. You can also just go to Pinterest or Google, type in low carb, or low carb Brussel sprouts and they'll just give you recipes. Like cauliflower-mashed potatoes, low carb mac and cheese, it might give you a cauliflower, mac, and cheese.
Is this making sense? I would love to know... Okay! So the seven-layer salad, that's one of our favorite. On the header of the video, just click on the link for the recipe, super simple... It's just lettuce, egg, bacon, tomato, onion, and ranch cheese, but so it's super good. I would love to know, who is actually making some low-carb dishes? And if you are, what are you making? Would you share with me what you're having at your Thanksgiving? I want to know what you are making for your Thanksgiving? Is it low carb or not? It's not a big deal if it isn't. But if it is, what are some of the dishes that you're making? We are going to have lots of different things, and we will be sharing them with you.
I did want to just give you a very simple tip, like "Everything that you make at your home can be swapped"... We're going to have Tacos tonight, you can have low carb wraps or regular wraps, you can use chips or lettuce wraps.

There are really not that very many meals that you cannot make into a low-carb keto dish. You just have to do the work to do it. So that's your tip! It's as simple as googling, looking it up on Pinterest, or going to ketomomsecrets. There are tons of recipes there for you, so go check it out. Message me with any questions that you have, and also I would love to see what you are making for Thanksgiving...
Oh! I didn't tell you what the new flavor tastes like, I actually can't tell you yet. But I'm going to tell you it's delicious! It's incredible! Just post "Black Friday" in the comments if you want to know more about the sale when it comes, because I know there'll be something and I'll tell you more about it when it's here. Have a great afternoon and we'll talk to you later.
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