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Two o'clock Tasting & Keto Tip (Day 35) "Set Up Your Mornings For Success!"| Keto Mom

Writer's picture: Keto MomKeto Mom

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Keto Mom Here!

  	My keto tip for you today is, "If you can own your morning, you can own your day". If you can just take a little bit of time to create some systems and habits in your morning, every day, you will find that you won't go through as many drive-thrus anymore. You'll be a happier person, and you'll look at life a whole lot better.

Points To Ponder:

00:37 Getting Ready For Thanksgiving

01:24 An Hour In The Morning To Yourself

01:50 Keto Tip: Own Your Morning, Own Your Day

02:00 New Flavor: Black Label

02:58 Does Your Morning Own You?

03:33 Ketones, Mom Fuel

03:54 Benefits of Ketones

03:56 Black Friday Sale

05:00 I Was A Tired And Overwhelmed Mom

05:24 Have A Plan, Create A Routine

06:13 Create Systems And Habits

06:40 It's Easy To Emotionally Eat

07:05 My Biggest Challenge For You: Have An Hour To Yourself

08:09 Figure Out What You Want, Your Definite Purpose

08:21 Give Yourself Some Time

09:13 Implement A Better Morning Routine

09:31 Systems In Place

10:44 Happy Thanksgiving: Enjoy Family Time

Full Episode Transcript:

Hey everybody! Welcome to your two o'clock tasting and a Keto tip. Welcome to the Keto mom page, we're going to dive into Ketones and how to have a successful morning. That's what we're going to talk about and ignore my four dogs. If you're not brand new to this page, they will not bother you. But if you are, then guess what? We have four daughters and four dogs. I feel like we have eight kids... Right now though, we actually have ten kids in our home. It might be a week, another week, or even longer. We have some friends that had a little house fire, it did not destroy the house but it just made it so they can't be in there right now.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

We have a very busy house, and we are getting ready for Thanksgiving. Does anybody else love it? We are having Thanksgiving with my family today. Very soon, in a couple of hours, I am going to go shower. For those of you who said, I looked like I just worked out? I totally did, so just ignore my face... We're having Thanksgiving here in our home tomorrow, and it is going to be amazing.

We're getting all things ready, Turkey and all those good things. But I really wanted to talk to you, because I went through my routine this morning and I thought, "If I did not have this routine set up, these habits in place, I would not make the best choices possible".

So I want to give you some ideas of how you can have an hour in the morning to yourself. if you can have an hour set up, where you follow the same habits, and the same routine, these things are leading you into your day. You can have success for the rest of your day if you can just own your mornings. There's a book called "Miracle Morning" that we've read before. But if you've never read it, it's a great book. It said if you can own your morning, you're going to own your day.

My keto tip for you today is, "If you can own your morning, you can own your day". I'll tell you what that looks like in just a second... I've gotten a lot of questions about this new flavor, I'm not going to shake it up right now, but it's called "Black Label". I talk about Ketones every day, and I'm going to shake one up in a second. This new flavor has got more caffeine and more ketones in it. It's available for those that had ordered the magic apple earlier. Otherwise, if you did not and you are a current customer, this one will be available hopefully tomorrow, or by Black Friday. It's incredible!

Does Your Morning Own You?

I'm going to shake up some ketones, and we're going to talk about your morning. First of all, where are you tuning in from? Who worked out this morning? My workout was right before lunch, and actually, we had a prepping morning. It's been great, remember we've got ten kids at home right now. It's been exciting and fun, the kids are also doing great...

Who worked out, and who did not? I would love to know, who feels like they own their morning? Do you feel like you own your morning? Or do you feel like your morning owns you? What does that look like? If your morning owns you, you might not get up when you want to. You might easily sleep and hit the snooze button a couple of times. Maybe you're rushing to get out of the house...

But if you own your morning, you're going to walk out of your house with peace, or even be in your home with peace. If not, then you might feel like it's always chaotic. How do we get that peace? Like to be able to walk out of our homes and say, "I can conquer today and I can make the best choices possible". What does that look like? Here are a couple of things, but let me show you first, I'm shaking up my Mom Fuel. I have here my most favorite flavor. it can look a little different, but they are all the same Ketones. You just put it all in some water, shake it up, and it puts you in ketosis in under an hour. I'm having the liquid one, it helps you with your energy, focus, and appetite control.

New Flavor: Black Label! It's Awesome!

I already asked everybody yesterday if we have a Black Friday sale, which I'm sure we will have something for Black Friday. Who wants to know about my Mom Fuel? If you want to know about the Black Friday deal, just post "Black Friday" in the comments, and I'll get back to you as soon as we know what it is. It's going to be great. I don't know what it is, but I'm sure they'll do something, because why would you not? It's super fun!.. I drink it every day, for six years, and I love it.

I love the long sustained energy, I was able to lose the last ten pounds of baby weight years and years ago when I first started. I've had four daughters, and four C sections. Oftentimes people ask, "Let me see your before picture?". I had four babies, so I gained anywhere between thirty to fifty pounds and I lost it all. I had to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I never had to lose a hundred pounds.

I think some people want to see my fat loss picture, but for me, I was exhausted, I was a tired and overwhelmed mom. I needed energy, I needed just help to make better food choices. I did want to lose weight and tone up, that wasn't my main goal. Everybody's different, and health means something different to everybody. Now, I feel incredible! It's a tool for me. If you want to know more, just post "Black Friday", or post "Five" in the comments if you want to chat about Ketones in general...

Okay! Here's what I want you to know about your morning. What does it mean to own your morning? Number one, do you have a plan? Meaning, I know that if I get up, do the same routine, I took a while to get into the habit of it, but I get up, I go brush my teeth, I drink some water, I shake up my ketones... Sorry, I think I put them in the wrong order. I actually work out first, and then read. I go work out first, get that done, although today was a little different. I then work on my mindset, because if I have a positive mindset, I'm going to feel better and make better choices. I'm going to be a happier person to be around, that's why I always read... And then as you go about your morning, you've got things laid out, you've gotten into the habit of having your lunches ready, and you've already planned your meals for the week.

Have A Plan, Create A Routine! You will be Happier!
If you can just take a little bit of time to create some systems and habits in your morning, every day, you will find that you won't go through as many drive-thrus anymore. You'll be a happier person, and you'll look at life a whole lot better. You're going to go after your goals and not get frustrated if you have a slip-up.

You'll just say, "I'm going to keep going", "It's not a big deal", "I'm going to be more positive around other people", "I'm going to make better choices"... In cases where you're angry, crabby, frustrated, you might be running late, you're irritated and things aren't going your way, it's very easy to eat the foods that you think will fix your crappiness. You're emotionally eating, you don't even care anymore today because things didn't go your way. You feel like it never goes your way, you didn't work out or get up early. You didn't own your morning...

My biggest challenge for you this last bit of the year, before we dive into the new year would be, "What would it really look like for you to get up and have an hour to yourself?". Just sit in gratitude for two minutes. Get up in the morning instead of being rushed, and just be mindful. What would it look like not to read for an hour but to pick up a book and read for five to ten minutes? What would it look like for me to sit and enjoy my coffee? Or to work out for twenty to thirty minutes? What if I could own my morning? Would I feel like the rest of my day would go better?...
Give Yourself An Hour in The Morning

Because again, I can tell you exactly how to eat, how to track your food and what you should do. But if your mindset is not in the right place, then most people use food to fill in the void. Whether they're crabby, angry, emotional, or whatever the case may be. So my Keto tip is simple, take a look at your morning. Figure out what you want, what is your definite purpose. We talked about that in the mornings, do you have a definite purpose? Do you know what you want? And you've got to make that one hour.

Can you plan one hour in your morning where you're not rushed out the door, just try to give yourself some time? It might be an hour before your kids wake up, an hour for you to read, to work out, to drink your water, or to work on your mindset. If you do, and you stick with it for an entire thirty days, you will find that it will create a habit and a routine. You will find a whole lot of other things that will fall into place, including your food choices, or drinking more water.

Because when you feel great, you don't want to choose something that's going to make you feel like garbage. When you feel great, and you've already accomplished your morning, you'll feel like you want to choose the salad. Like, "I actually feel great", "I feel really good about my choices this morning", "I'm going to keep going". Whereas if you already ate a doughnut in the morning, do you think it's easier to choose the french fries? Yes, because you will feel like you already screwed up.

And so I would challenge you to think about your mornings and what you can do to implement a better morning routine for yourself, and "Own your day". In the book "Atomic Habits", the author said, "You don't rise to the level of your goals". Like, you want fat loss, but you don't automatically rise to all of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. You need the systems in place, which would be not hitting the snooze, having your water set out, or having your ketone packets on the counter. For example, I already have my workout set out, I have my workout clothes ready. I already have the book sitting in the exact same spot every morning, so when I sit down I can just grab my book. It sounds silly, but the silly works.

Enjoy The Holidays, Enjoy Your Family

And if you do it over and over again, "Repetition is the mother of all skill". So if you can do that consistently over time, you will get to your goals. You'll rise to the level of your goals, and you have your systems in place to get you to your goals...

That's it! I hope you guys have an incredible day! I don't think I'll be going live tomorrow. I'm going to be with family and it's going to be super great. I'll let you know when we have the Black Friday sale on Mom Fuel. There are tons of recipes we shared, even the one's today are really great. There's the Thanksgiving biscuit recipe, if you're looking for recipes, just scroll through the page. There are lots of recipes for you. If you're in America or the United States, have a really great Thanksgiving! Enjoy your family, and make memories. Don't get so crazy, that you become the crazy person on a diet that's not enjoying Thanksgiving. Have fun with your family, and don't beat yourself up. If you need to intermittent fast in the morning, drink some water, work out and then enjoy your family.

You can choose better, but you don't have to be crazy. If you're going to be crazy, don't voice it. Everybody doesn't need to know that you're being crazy. Enjoy yourself, be you, and have some conversations with people that need it. Go love on your family...

And I do want to say, if the holidays are really hard for you, then I'm sorry, I really am. I know the holidays aren't happy for everybody, and I can't fix that. The only thing I could encourage you to do is look for somebody to bless. I feel like sometimes when we are having a really hard day, we can go through the drive-thru and bless somebody with their cup of coffee in front of us. Or maybe you see a need, and that will encourage you to bless somebody else. It's just a thought. So, have a wonderful day. Thank you for tuning in, your presence matters. Bye, everybody.

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