"Your mind is a battlefield and the battle for your life is always won and lost in your mind. Every day you're engaged in a battle. Are you aware of it? You may not recognize the battle that you're in while it's wreaking havoc on your life. Do you ever wonder why you can't shake a habit? Why? Your mind is in a war zone and you are under attack. It's critical that you become aware of the fight. Because if you ignore the battle, you lose the battle. It starts in your mind. A lie believed as truth will affect your life as if it were true" ~ Craig Groeschel
Good morning! Welcome to the Keto Mom page. My name is Stephanie and we are diving into "Winning The War In Your Mind", by Craig Groeschel. Thank you for tuning in, I truly appreciate it.
Happy Labor Day! What are you doing to celebrate today? Are you having fun? Some of you probably are working. My parents work in the medical field and often work on every holiday to save lives. So I'm used to not really celebrating holidays on holidays.
All right! First of all, if you need some recipes, you can visit ketomomsecrets.com. You can check on recipes, how to get started, the Book Club, and so much other information to help you on your journey. You can also send me a message and I'll help you.

My goal every morning is to help you with your mindsets. If your goal is fat loss, you might be wondering what in the world does mindset have to do with it? Everything! I don't feel like people take enough time to deal with their thought processes, everything starts in your mind. If you believe that you can or can't, that's the result you're going to get.
How do you encourage yourself? What happens if there's no accountability around you?
There are so many things that start in your mind, it comes out in your words, and then it comes out in your actions. And if you've been going around the same mountain of trying to lose weight and being healthy, but it's still not working. I would suggest that you take a step back and figure out what your thoughts are.
The book that we're going through is called "Winning The War In Your Mind", by Craig Groeschel.
He's a pastor and my husband used to work with him for this church called Life Church. So anyways, here's the thought I want to give you today, are you ready?
"Your mind is a battlefield and the battle for your life is always won and lost in your mind".
"Every day you're engaged in a battle. Are you aware of it? You may not recognize the battle that you're in while it's wreaking havoc on your life. Do you ever wonder why you can't shake a habit?"
Why do you feel like you cannot connect with God?
Why do you lose your temper so easily?
Why do you often make bad decisions?
Why do you and your spouse fight all the time?
Why you're consumed with worry, fear, and negativity?"
"Why? Your mind is in a war zone and you are under attack. It's critical that you become aware of the fight. Because if you ignore the battle, you lose the battle. It starts in your mind".
Why can't I get healthy?
Why can't I go to the gym?
Why am I constantly choosing bad food?

But you could engage that in any area of your life. Like relationships, finances, marriage, parenting, spiritual life, or your health journey. It starts in your mind.
And if you ignore the battle, if you don't have an awareness of your thoughts, if you don't take time to figure this out, then you will lose.
"What if you buy into the lie that you'll never be good enough? What if you make too many mistakes, or that God doesn't really care about you? Or that you'll never be able to stop doing what you're currently doing?"
"A lie believed as truth will affect your life as if it were true".

So what are the things that are running in your mind? ...
I'll always be like this.
I was told it's genetics.
It's in my family.
I can't be skinny.
I'll always be overweight.
I'm not a gym person.
I'm not a morning person.
I'm not a morning person.
I don't believe there are morning people or night people, for me, it's called choices. You stay up late, you get up early, you sit on the TV and watch the news, or you get up and read something.
A lie believed as if it was true will affect your life as it was true. If you don't have an awareness of the lie and then work on fixing it, then you will be stuck where you're at for the rest of your life. It all starts in your mind.
"Chances are good that you have your own set of lies holding you back. It can destroy you, it can derail you, it can hold you back from what you are called to accomplish in your life".
"Living your life by a lie is a lot like believing the door's locked when it isn't. On the other side of it is freedom. But you first have to commit to some personal lie detection to experience abundant life".

It's about having an awareness of your mindset. And there's one thing the author is going to have you do in this chapter. Think about the things you're thinking about, and take notes on your phone.
"If you think that you can't do something, you probably won't. If on the other hand, you think you can, odds are you will. The same is true with your problems.
If you dwell on them, they will overwhelm you. But if you look for solutions, you will find them. Who you are today is a result of your thoughts in the past, and who you become in the future will reflect what you think about today".
"The goal is to think about what you think about".

What consumes your mind? If you can just do it for one day or the next couple of days. Keep a little notebook or a piece of paper in your pocket, and when a thought pops into your mind, write it down.
You need to write them down and then circle the ones that are positive, and cross out the ones that are negative...
Today I was thinking about how irritated I am with the fact that I can never make good food choices. (Negative thought)
I actually can make good choices, I have to give my time to do it. I have to give myself a Planning Day. (Positive Thought)
Sunday is going to be the day I plan my meals, because if I plan things out, then I can make better choices. (Positive thought)
So if you have an awareness that your negative thoughts can cause you to make bad choices. How do you have positive thoughts?
You can read a book
You can listen to a podcast
You can get up and write down the things your was thankful for.
If you can get into a routine of being grateful and thankful, then you can make better choices. You can make a negative and positive list in your notebook.

Under the negative ones, think about how to fix them. If you don't know how to fix it, send me a message or ask somebody else to help you.
How do you fix this? Because it's clearly not serving you so you need to switch it.
So again, chapter one is about detecting the lies in your mind and replacing them with better thoughts. This book is incredible, you can go to ketomomsecrets.com and you can see this book under the Book Club.
Your mindset is so important! Did you know that you need to hear something approximately 17 times before you actually take action on it or before you realize it's a good idea?
Send me a message if you have a question about how to start. If you don't know how to start eating healthy, getting stronger, or working on your mindset, you can ask me and I'll send you a message.
Our family isn't perfect, but we've been through a lot and we have some incredible awareness in life. So if you have questions about parenting, homeschooling, or even finance, just send me a message. We didn't get here overnight, but we have learned a lot through the years.

There are actually different spokes in your life. You might be struggling with your fat loss right now, but it could be because you're stress eating, or your finances are out of whack.
What does that mean? If you keep trying to fix the food issue, but the real issue is really about your finances, then you need to go fix your finances first. If you do that, then it will automatically fix your food issue and your finances.
If you're stressed about money, then figure it out...
Stop going to target, stop spending so much money, and have a budget for your expenses. Because when you do that then you don't have to stress eat. The fact that you can't make better choices is usually tied up to something else in your life.
You know how to eat healthily.
You know that going to the gym and moving your body is going to help you.
You know you should drink your water.
You know that you should get more sleep and less stress.
You know that you shouldn't eat the Twinkie, you should go for the strawberry.
You know what to do, and if you actually gave yourself a little bit of time to think about it, you might figure out what the root cause is. It might be because you're frustrated with your marriage, so you eat out of emotions. You eat out because you're stressed with your children or your job.
You need to get down to the root cause or what's causing it so that you can go fix it. It's all an awareness. Give yourself some time today to think about what is causing you to stress eat. What are the negative thoughts in your mind?
"A lie believed as truth will affect your life as true. Who you become in the future will reflect what you think about today".

So take some time to have an awareness, and think about what you're thinking about. Write it down and let's figure out how to change the negatives into positives.
Thank you for tuning in, I appreciate it. I hope you have a great day, I appreciate you and I'll talk to you soon.
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